Archive for the 'Life & Leadership Today' Category

EP 38: Life and Leadership Today with Ronnie Floyd, 4 Keys to a Successful Marriage

Ronnie Floyd NEW-podcastToday, we discuss the serious but exciting subject of marriage. Evaluating the fundamentals of your life, including your marriage, can have a positive impact on your life. Your age and stage of marriage do not matter – there is always room for growth. Today, we discuss four keys to a successful marriage:

  • Learn from one another
  • Walk closely with the Lord, individually and together
  • Live life together – prioritize time together
  • Honor the calling God has placed upon your life

… and more. Don’t miss this discussion today, and may God bless your marriage.

EP 37: Life and Leadership Today with Guest, Dave Ramsey

Dave Ramsey-podcast

Are you stressed about the financial implications of the upcoming holidays? Do you wonder how you can live the rest of the year to relieve financial stress at Christmas? Dave Ramsey, best-selling author, founder of Financial Peace University, and national radio host, has wisdom to share with us today. Listen as we talk about:

  • Defining success
  • The legacy you leave behind
  • Finances in relationships
  • God’s way of handling finances

… and more. Don’t miss our conversation today!