Archive for January, 2018

This Week at Cross Church | God is Using Cross Church 21 Days of Prayer

God is Using Cross Church 21 Days of Prayer

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What started as a Cross Church prayer initiative for our people has now gone above and beyond through the power of technology. What we are finding is the initial engagement in the mornings at 6:30 CT via Facebook Live or call-in by phone, is multiplied in a major way the rest of the day. People from all across America and some across the world are joining us. On the day before each text is sent out, I pray and seek God about our focus points for this day. The three areas these points are built upon are: personal, the Church and America. They are simple, clear, and helpful to provide us a way to pray individually and together. Therefore, if you are not engaged with us, please join now. Spread the word to others. Post on all social media. Here is just one example of what we have done daily.

Engage with Our Church Weekly

It is really important that you engage with our church weekly. Sure, it helps the church be the church, but it also helps you to walk with God with a greater intentionality and a greater intensity. Engage with your spiritual family through a specific worship service, a small group, giving, and a service opportunity. Remember, we do what we do because we believe people need Jesus, people need each other, people change the world, and people leave legacies.

Invite Others to Our Church Weekly

Inviting others to be with us weekly is so important. Everywhere you go, listen to people, talk to people, and as God opens the opportunity, invite others to be with us weekly. You never know what God will do in the lives of others when they experience the atmosphere of worship, the preaching of God’s Word, and the community of a spiritual family. God wants to use you to change someone’s life. It may begin with one thing: An invitation from you to another person.

Come to Our One-Night Marriage Conference on Friday, January 26

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On Friday, January 26, we will host the NWA Marriage Conference at our Pinnacle Hills campus. This is a one-night event for everyone who wants to celebrate and learn about marriage from God’s perspective. Jeana and I will lead this conference along with our own Dr. Nick and Meredith Floyd, and Dr. Jeff and Julie Crawford. The event is free, but you must reserve tickets. Childcare is also available for birth – 5th grade, but requires registration. You can find more information, register for childcare, and get your tickets here. Invite friends & family to join us for this night of drawing closer to God in order to strengthen marriage relationships.

See you Sunday!

Ronnie W. Floyd


Guest Post | Standing on the Shoulders of Those Who Have Gone Before, by Brian Dunaway

Brian Dunaway-blogToday, welcomes guest writer, Brian Dunaway. Brian is the Director of Communications and Technology at Cross Church.

When I was much younger, my parents would take my siblings and me on vacations to various destinations. I loved the time we spent going on trips and adding to the list of memories I hold dear today.

One thing that I distinctly remember was the joy I had when we were in a crowd of people and my dad would let me sit atop his shoulders. At the time I didn’t know why I loved that experience, I just knew that I did. Today I realize I loved it because it made me feel big. I could see farther and know more than I could walking among the crowd. I had a confidence that was only possible because I was on the firm foundation that was my father’s shoulders. Up there, I felt like I had achieved what the rest of the crowd could not.

Fast forward to my life now. Grown-up, kids of my own, a job, bills, the whole nine yards. As I progress through life, that experience of my father’s shoulders has come back to me often and taken on a completely different meaning. It has shown me much about life.

As I am blessed with new opportunities, new assignments, greater challenges, and bigger influence, I would be a fool not to realize that nothing I have done, am doing, or will do is of my own actions or abilities. Truly, the only reason I am able to move forward on anything I have done, am doing, or will do is because others have gone before me and paved the way. I am literally standing on the shoulders of those who have gone before. Those who have paid the price. And those who now are beginning to entrust me with what they have built.

I have the unique opportunity to work in the church where I grew up. I was born into the church where I now spend my life doing ministry. I have seen much change and have had the privilege to drink so much of it in. The list of God moments could fill the pages of a novel. This uniqueness begs me to realize. It calls me to ponder. It demands me to remain and respond. What I do, where I am, or where I will go is, and will be nothing without my ability to stand on the shoulders of those who have gone before, those who have paid the price, and those who entrust my generation with the task of carrying the torch. My pastor, mentor, and boss, Ronnie Floyd, always reminds his staff to never forget where we came from because it’s the past that reminds us of the future. Another great mentor of mine, Ben Mayes, tells me often that we go forward standing on the shoulders of those before us. If we fail to remember that we stand atop the shoulders of those who have gone before, then we will fail to understand what got us to where we are, and it blurs our understanding of where we are going. We all stand on the shoulders of someone. I stand on the shoulders of my father, and I now raise my children with the lessons he instilled in me. Most of those lessons are great, some need to be adjusted, but the fact remains I can’t forget I stop and listen, realize, and respond.

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I am grateful for men like my father, my pastor, and the men who went before them. Men like Gene Layman, Ted Schneider, Charlie Foster, and Joe Dorman. These are men whose shoulders I stand on. On their shoulders I can see farther, I feel confident, and I know I have the stability to move ahead. Take time to recognize and respond to those whose shoulders you stand on. Don’t take it for granted. Don’t be arrogant and blind to think that where you are in life is because of you. Realize what is good and what might not be so good, and make corrections where needed. But never forget, we all stand on the shoulders of someone else. God has allowed those whose shoulders you stand on to have gone before, and we must not miss the lessons from the past as we strive to move ahead.

Brian Dunaway
Director of Communications and Technology, Cross Church

Twitter-Podcast Blue@briancdunaway