Archive for December, 2013
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas! Though I will continue to teach some over the holiday season, I will be taking a few days away from the blog for a time of refreshing and spending time with family. I will be back with new posts on Monday, January 6, 2014. See you in the new year!
Christmas Memories and Traditions | Dr. Nick Floyd
This week on, Pastor and several Cross Church staff members are sharing their Christmas memories and traditions. Today, we hear from Nick Floyd, Teaching Pastor. You can read more from Pastor and other Cross Church staff members about their Christmas traditions at
My fondest memories of Christmas growing up happened in Springdale, Arkansas. We lived in a yellow home not too far from Springdale High School. We would always set up our tree in the living room of our home near the front door. I still remember my parents setting up the tripod with our camcorder on top to record the family opening up our presents. (If you’re under 25 years of age, a camcorder was a massive video camera that you put over your shoulder that captured less quality video than your iPhone currently does).
When I think about our Christmas traditions, two come to mind. First of all, I remember my parents always letting us open up one gift on Christmas Eve. One in particular stands out to me. On a certain Christmas Eve when I was a child, my brother and I were delighted to open up matching “Sugar Ray Leonard” boxing gloves. Nothing says Christmas cheer like punching your brother in the temple.
A second Christmas tradition I remember was that my mom would always put the stickers on the presents and write who the gift was for and who had given the gift. Now being a pastor’s kid, you may be wondering, “Did the Floyd’s celebrate Santa with their kids?” My answer is…kind of. Santa was one of the many people in line who would give the gifts. My brother would give one, my parents another, Santa would give me something, and even Big Red (the Arkansas mascot) was a giver. So…I guess we did…kind of…but not really.
Now that I have a family of my own, we are in the process of creating our own Christmas traditions. Just the other night we put the decorations on the tree and then sat on the couch and watched one of our favorite Christmas movies. I look forward to years of growing with my family and establishing our own traditions to carry on to their families one day.
Dr. Nick Floyd
Teaching Pastor, Cross Church