This Week at Cross Church | WE BELIEVE, a Summer Series Begins This Sunday, Plus More and More


WE BELIEVE: What We Believe and Why We Believe It is our new series that begins this Sunday morning at Cross Church. Each one of us needs to know what we believe and why we believe it. With this conviction, I felt compelled by the Spirit of God that this summer is the time for us to address these things in a formal teaching series.

This will give us a specific direction and plan for the pulpit this summer. By the time we get to August, we will have a much better grasp as a church on these wonderful truths from the Word of God.

Foward Book-Blog

FORWARD: 7 Distinguishing Marks for Future Leaders

Before I was elected President of the Southern Baptist Convention, I had completed the initial manuscript for my new book: Forward: 7 Distinguishing Marks for Future Leaders. I wrote about my new book that will be released on June 1, 2015, in yesterday’s blog. Who are these future leaders? Anyone who leads anything in the future.


1-DAY FAST FOR SBC: May 17 p.m. through May 18 p.m.

I do pray you will join us in a focused time of prayer and fasting for our upcoming Southern Baptist Convention. I hope you will view this as a major spiritual moment. Review what I wrote on May 4. It will help you know what to pray for on this 24-hour time. Please join us at whatever level you can. Thanks for praying about joining us.

Say Yes-blogSAY YES

If you missed “SAY YES!” please take a few minutes to listen to or watch the message from two Sundays ago. This message was a pastor-to-people moment where we talked about our church. We have much before us and this gives insight into where we are and where we are going. Go with us!

Your Pastor,

Ronnie W. Floyd

New Book Announcement: “Forward: 7 Distinguishing Marks for Future Leaders”

Foward Book-BlogForward leaders rise to lead people to a better future. 

On June 1, 2015, my new book “FORWARD: 7 Distinguishing Marks For Future Leaders” will be released. Forward is a call. Forward is a process. Forward is a direction. Forward is a change.

Forward is about seven distinguishing marks for future leaders. Who are these future leaders? Anyone who leads anything in the future. I wrote this book for all leaders, regardless of their present responsibility from business to sports, church, family, politics, and more.

The book will be available on June 1, 2015. You can pre-order a copy today through one of the retailers below or check with your preferred retailer:






 Forward is also available on all e-reader platforms. Also, beginning May 15, you can preorder an electronic copy from Amazon or iTunes for a special, highly reduced pre-order rate.





If you are willing to become a forward leader, you will set yourself apart from other leaders. Your value will rise. Your reach will expand. Your influence will grow.

The time is now. The future is here. Go forward!


Ronnie W. Floyd