Grace in the Fire: How Pastors Navigate Through the Tough Times


Ministry is tough, real tough. Leadership is tough, real tough. When a pastor leads his church with clarity and conviction toward a compelling vision, he will need grace in the fire.

Just because ministry and leadership are tough, it does not mean any pastor is given permission to whine and complain. Grace lifts us through even the most challenging days in leadership.

Therefore, how do you navigate through the tough times in ministry? The answer is not a geographical change, but God giving you the grace to see it through. Never shy away from who God has made you to be and how He wants you to represent him.

This month, I am nearing my thirtieth year in the same church in Northwest Arkansas. Trust me, I have gone through tough times, and will go through more in the future, I am sure. I want to suggest these things for you to consider in how to have grace in the fire.

1. God is speaking to you.

Pastors ask people who are walking through tough times, “What do you think God may be saying to you through this time?” The next time you walk in difficult times in ministry, ask yourself: “What is God saying to me?”

Trust me, He is speaking. It is grace that will give you the ability to hear what God is saying to you. Once you hear what He is saying, shape your life and leadership to it. It is always important to hear other perspectives through problems, but the most significant voice you need to listen to is the Lord Himself.

2. Never fire back.

Hurt people hurt people. There are many hurt people in the church. God has not called you to ignore them or run from them, but to minister to them. Hurting them back is senseless and costly. Never fire back at others. God will take care of you and the situation.

Never fire back at people on social networking. This media can be meaningful and even fun at times; but when it points its gunfire toward other people, it is the work of the evil one. It is not about what they are doing to the culture, toward others, or our country, what matters is how you respond to it.

Pastors and Christian leaders are continually losing their testimony with, at times, a self-serving, senseless, pious, and arrogant condescension of others via social media. It is amazing how courageous one can be behind a computer screen when writing, tweeting, or posting statements on Facebook. A personal, one-on-one conversation oftentimes leads to a modification in both parties’ demeanor.  Furthermore, firing back never brings unity in the church and the greater body of Christ among fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.

If disagreement occurs between you and someone else, call or write them a real letter or better yet, go sit down with them personally. When you sit in the presence of someone, you may discover their heart and reason they responded the way they did. Share your concern. Then, pray together. Maturing believers take mature actions, especially when issues of disagreement or concern occur.

3. Do what is right.

Leadership is not about having the last word, but about doing the right thing. Spiritual leaders are not bound to live by the expectations of the world, but by the Word of the living God.

When our flesh rises up and wants to declare its independence and rights, we need to remember we are crucified with Christ. It is not about us, but Christ who lives in us. (Galatians 2:20)

The depth of our walk with God oftentimes determines the influence of our life and ministry. Yet, this breadth of influence is enhanced, limited, or forfeited due to a lack of our personal relationships with the people or ministries we are charged to lead in the future. Therefore, do what is right.

Grace is Possible Through the Fire

Going through fiery ordeals is a part of life and ministry. Another church or ministry is not your vaccine to prevent problems.

Grace is there. Reach out. Receive it. It is always commensurate with your need.

Grace is the power to live the Christian life and to lead the people of God forward.

Now is the Time to Lead,

Ronnie W. Floyd

This Week at Cross Church | Groundbreaking, A Day of Influence, We Believe, and Summit

Fayetteville Groundbreaking

Ground Breaking-twacc

This Sunday, October 9, at 4:00 p.m., we will have a groundbreaking ceremony for our new Fayetteville campus. This will be a day our church remembers for a long time to come. Our Pinnacle Hills groundbreaking is still a special memory for many.  No matter which campus you attend, you are invited to join us and we would love for you to be there. For more information, go to

A Day of Influence, October 23

A Day of Influence-twacc

Prioritize Sunday, October 23 on your calendar right now. Use the influence God has entrusted to you to invite others on this day. Bring your friends, neighbors, and associates with you on October 23. Invite people now and secure their attendance with you on October 23. There is no limit to what God could do if each of us uses our influence for God on a given day. More information will be coming soon at

WE BELIEVE: 40 Days of Faith Begins and Continues Forward

We Believe-blog

Faith is never stagnant. Living faith is active faith. God’s Word is powerful and as we deal with the text weekly, God will plant seeds in each of our lives to increase our commitment to live a life of faith. You do not want to miss this journey together. You can still receive our daily text devotions during this series by texting WEBELIEVE to 313131. Our devotionals are also available in print on each of our campuses or can be downloaded at

The Summit Luncheon for Northwest Arkansas Business Persons is Strong


It is quite remarkable that we are in our 15th year of our weekly Summit luncheons. Hundreds of business leaders from all walks of life are influenced weekly. This semester is beyond strong. For example, our first three speakers were nothing less than fantastic. You can watch them here:

Anyone can attend The Summit each Thursday on our Pinnacle Hills campus. Lunch is served beginning at 11:50 a.m. and concludes by 12:50 pm. Invite and bring others. You can secure tickets on the website or purchase at the door.

On Thursday, October 13, our guest is Major Sarit Zehavi, Middle East Analyst & Former Israeli Military Intelligence, and then on Thursday, October 20, our guest is Senator Tom Cotton, one of Arkansas’ United States Senators. Do NOT miss them.

Praying for America

Are you praying for America daily? Our nation is in major turmoil, experiencing an extreme amount of division. As the church, we must pray for our nation daily.

See You Sunday,

Ronnie W. Floyd