Archive for July, 2018

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2018 National Leadership Summit-update 7.29

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America Needs a Spiritual Breakthrough

SpiritualBreakthroughAmerica is broken and in deep need of a spiritual breakthrough. Division and hatefulness are abounding as none of us would ever imagine. Our greatest hope is a spiritual breakthrough in America.

While America Divides Further, Billions Across the World Need Jesus

Billions of people are in need of the gospel of Jesus Christ. As more than one-half of the global population is now living in the cities of the world, missional strategies that address reaching the cities must emerge.

We are seeing the persecution of Christians across the globe escalate, and it feels close to home with American pastor Andrew Brunson being held unjustly in Turkey.

We are facing one of the most dangerous times across the globe in our lifetime. While encouragement occurs from time to time, we remain in fragile moments globally. We need a spiritual breakthrough.

Yet, for those of us who know Christ personally, we are well aware that our greatest hope for the world is to present the gospel of Jesus Christ to every person in the world and make disciples of all nations.

Sadly, a divided church has a hard time calling a divided nation to unity, and we have an even more difficult time keeping our focus on the gospel and it being the greatest hope for every person in the world.

America is Also in Great Need Spiritually

Across the nation, missiologists remind us regularly of the extreme spiritual lostness in our own nation. As this lostness escalates across America, our spiritual crisis is undeniable.

This is a time when the churches across our land need to rise up and meet this opportune moment with hope. Our churches must be even more committed to sharing Christ endlessly within our town, city, or region.

The churches in America are in need of a spiritual visitation by the Holy Spirit that will call them out of their lukewarm status and cause them to return to the power of the gospel. Jesus is still the greatest hope in every town, city, and region in America.

Politically, America is in trouble. The disappointment of our political leaders not working together for the common good of our nation has Americans filled with all sorts of emotions, many of which are not healthy. This partisan decision making is hurting the progress and future of our nation greatly.

Our politics represents our spiritual condition in America as well as the brokenness in families, churches, and pretty well every area in American life. This does not deserve applause, but spiritual humility and brokenness.

Yes, we need a spiritual breakthrough in America.

Only God Can Give Us A Spiritual Breakthrough

We need a major spiritual breakthrough in America and around the world. Jesus is still the answer and the gospel is still our hope. The churches across America and the globe must experience a spiritual awakening and find a way to prioritize sharing the gospel again.

Our churches must call out to God like never before. Our desperation for a breakthrough of God will be met with mercy and grace from the Lord alone.

May the power of God come upon us until the breakthroughs come.

Now is the Time to Lead,

Ronnie W. Floyd
Senior Pastor, Cross Church
President, National Day of Prayer


Dr. Ronnie Floyd is the Senior Pastor of Cross Church, President of the National Day of Prayer, and founder of the Cross Church School of Ministry.

To request an interview with Dr. Ronnie Floyd
contact Gayla Oldham at (479) 751-4523 or email

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