Archive for June, 2018
Big Decisions Await the Southern Baptist Convention This Week
Each year when the Southern Baptist Convention meets, we are faced with many big decisions. Those watching from a distance as well as those who might want to stir the waters of controversy will discover the Southern Baptist Convention will always be committed to two major things.
First and above all else, Southern Baptists will always lift up and acknowledge the absolute authority of the Holy Scripture. Yes, the Bible is the inerrant, trustworthy, faithful, and sufficient Word of God. The Bible not only contains the Word of God, it is the Word of God.
Second only to the Scripture and the Lordship of Jesus Christ, Southern Baptists will recommit our absolute belief in taking the gospel of Jesus Christ to every person in every corner of this universe. Because we believe in the Holy Scripture, we believe there is only one Savior, Jesus Christ. He is the only way to God. Therefore, this year again, we will recommit ourselves to advancing this gospel of Jesus Christ to America and to the entire world.
Other Decisions
The Southern Baptist Convention will again declare our commitment to our cooperative work At our church, the Cross Church Family believes in our cooperative work with other Southern Baptists. That is why over the course of many years, we have increased our financial support again and again through the Cooperative Program of the Southern Baptist Convention. In our present fiscal year of 2017-2018, our Cross Church Family will give at least $1.3 million through our Cooperative Program. Our commitment is not because of personalities and leadership of others, it is because of our commitment to reaching the world for Christ along with just under 52,000 other Southern Baptist churches and church-type congregations. It is our prayer and commitment to continue this advance forward. There is so much more we can do together.
I also believe that through decisions and resolutions approved by our convention, this year we will restate our firm convictions and beliefs more clearly than ever before. This is why I have added my full support to the resolution, On Affirming the Dignity of Women and the Holiness of Ministers.
Please take a moment to read my blog from last week, 3 Important Questions Southern Baptists Need to Ask in All Decision Making in Dallas and Beyond. I pray that we will think of these things in the coming year in every decision we make in regard to leadership, practice, and commitment. Southern Baptists are in a generational moment. We call out to God for help!
We must pray and pray some more for God’s leadership, power, and protection. This is not the time for further regret or retreat. Why? Because now is the time to lead.
Ronnie W. Floyd
Senior Pastor, Cross Church
President, National Day of Prayer
Dr. Ronnie Floyd is the Senior Pastor of Cross Church, President of the National Day of Prayer, and founder of the Cross Church School of Ministry.
To request an interview with Dr. Ronnie Floyd, contact Gayla Oldham at (479) 751-4523 or email
Visit our website at
Follow Dr. Floyd on Twitter and Instagram @ronniefloyd
This Week at Cross Church | The Lord is Speaking to Us
The Lord is Speaking to Us
The Lord is speaking to us through the book of Romans. This Sunday will an outstanding time in the Word of God. Join our Cross Church Family on the campus you attend regularly. Our text for Sunday is Romans 2. Bring a friend and tell others about the series. Let’s make this summer great!
Make “Living Fit” Your Summer Read
This past week, my newest book was released: LIVING FIT, Make Your Life Count By Pursuing A Healthy You. You can secure a copy on one of our campuses this Sunday, at a local LifeWay store, or in print or Kindle
on Amazon. I am so convinced this book is key to living a healthy life… spiritually, physically, relationally, financially, and emotionally. I do hope you will get a copy, read through it, and even share one with a friend or family member. This book is where we live life every day. Click to download and share these images with friends.
Be Praying for Our Events This Summer
Please know the value of our summer camps and VBX for children and students. These three camps and VBX are unique and will prayerfully result in many coming to Christ, many growing in Christ, and many changing their future plans because God has intervened powerfully. These are our three camps and VBX:
- June 11-14– Kidz Camp: Camp Siloam, Siloam Springs, Arkansas. For children who have completed grades 2-5
- June 24-29– Beach Camp: Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. For students who have completed grades 8–12
- July 9-12– Middle School Camp: Sky Ranch, Oklahoma. For students who have completed grades 6-7
- July 9-12 – VBX 2018 – grades K-5
Pray right now for these events.
Did You See This Video?
Two weeks ago, I did a short video we showed on all campuses. The focus was on our 2018 Summer Program of Giving. You can watch it here. Wherever you are located weekly, be sure through recurring giving, online giving, or mail, that you are more than faithful to honor God with at least the first tenth of all God has entrusted to you. If we do, our needed and visionary goal will be reached. Thank you for supporting the ministry of Cross Church.
See you Sunday,
Ronnie W. Floyd