Archive for June, 2018

This Week at Cross Church | Do Not Miss This Sunday!

Sunday Morning, July 1: Summer Freedom Sunday!

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This Sunday morning is a fantastic opportunity to bring someone with you to Cross Church. On each campus, we will be thanking God for the religious freedom we have in America, praying for our nation, and coming together in unity for the cause of Christ throughout America. Please bring a friend to Cross Church on Sunday morning!

Sunday Night, July 1: Baptism at the Crosses

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If you have placed your faith in Christ alone for your salvation and determined to follow Jesus but have not yet followed Jesus in baptism, Sunday night is a great opportunity. I will be baptizing each person personally. We will meet in the Pinnacle Hills Worship Center at 6:30 p.m. to go over instructions prior to baptisms. If you would like to be baptized on Sunday night, go here to find out more information and sign up.

Sunday Night, July 1: Fireworks at the Crosses


Join an estimated 10,000 people as we gather at our Pinnacle Hills Campus for fellowship, music, some patriotic moments honoring every veteran present, a testimony of faith by observing baptism at approximately 7:00 p.m., and conclude with Northwest Arkansas’ most dynamic fireworks celebration! I am telling you, if you have never joined us in person, please join us! It is a relaxing and enjoyable time.

You can bring your own food or purchase from food trucks and vendors. We will begin to gather in the late afternoon with fun music beginning at approximately 5:00 p.m. You can come at the beginning and stay the entire evening or arrive any time in between. Just do not miss it!

Please Watch this 4-Minute “Standing on the Promises” Video

This past Sunday morning, I shared a 4-minute video message with each campus entitled, “Standing On The Promises.” Please take a few moments to watch and share it with others. It is an encouragement to our Cross Church people about what the Lord is doing and is about to do through our church.

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Be Faithful in Giving This Summer

By Faith-twacc

Wherever you are in America or across the world, Cross Church will still be worshiping, praying, going, reaching, and discipling people daily and weekly. This is why we request that each summer, our members make a 15-week commitment: Wherever I am in this world, I will give to God through my church each week, at least the first tenth of all God has given to me.

You can do this through recurring giving, give a gift online, bring it with you when you are here, or mail it when you are not here. We enjoy using recurring giving. It is one of the great ways to give because it is drafted from our account weekly, and we can easily adjust it as God leads and provides. Thank you for being faithful in giving this summer.

See You Sunday,

Ronnie W. Floyd

We Need Pastors and Church Leaders with This Kind of Spirit: No Reserve… No Retreat… No Regret

williamwhitingbordenIn the early 1900s, 16-year-old William Whiting Borden graduated from The Hill School in Pottstown, Pennsylvania – a prestigious boarding school known for sending its alumni to Princeton University. He was an heir to the Borden family mining fortune, and had a clear path to wealth and success set before him.

But before Borden began his Ivy League education at Yale University, his parents sent him on a yearlong trip around the world as a graduation present.

Earlier in his life, Borden had come to Christ through the great ministry of D.L. Moody. While traveling the world, something happened that no one expected. As Borden crisscrossed through Japan, India, Syria, Turkey and other countries, he was moved by the spiritual and physical needs of people around the world.

Borden wrote a letter to his parents and informed them he wanted to spend the remainder of his life as a missionary. Upon hearing the news, one of his friends remarked that becoming a missionary would be tantamount to throwing one’s life away.

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