Archive for June, 2018
This Week at Cross Church | Summer Events and More
2018 Southern Baptist Convention
This week, the Southern Baptist Convention was held in Dallas. Jeana and I were grateful to represent our Cross Church Family as two of the twelve messengers from our church. It is always a privilege to attend the Convention and represent you as we cooperate with just under 52,000 other churches and church-type entities.
Prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane
One of the highlights of our trip to the Holy Land on July 5-14 is the privilege we have to pray in the Garden of Gethsemane. The last two trips to Israel, Jeana and I have called out to the Lord hundreds of names of people in great need. We want to do the same this trip. It would be our honor to pray over any of your specific and major needs. If you would like for us to pray for you, email a one-sentence request and your name to Please be specific and without explanation.
July 1: Summer Freedom and Fireworks & Baptism at the Crosses
Do not miss Sunday, July 1, at Cross Church. In the morning, each campus will celebrate our nation with Summer Freedom. Our theme is Unity in America. Don’t miss it and be sure to bring others with you.
On the evening of July 1, we will host our annual Fireworks and Baptism at the Crosses on the Pinnacle Hills Campus. It is always a fun night of fellowship and family. But most importantly, we celebrate baptism under the crosses with many who have come to know Jesus Christ as their Savior. If you would like to be baptized on that evening, you can find more information here. Following baptisms under the crosses, we will enjoy a premiere fireworks show. It will be a night you will not forget.
Big Summer Events
Ministry does not slow down at Cross Church in the summer! Our ministry continues and even intensifies in many ways, but especially with camps and VBX. Our first camp of the summer was this week. We took 383 kids and adults to Kidz Camp in Siloam Springs and as of Wednesday afternoon, we praise the Lord for 28 professions of faith. Continue to pray for these remaining events, that God would be glorified and they would result in many coming to Christ, growing in their faith, and changing their future plans because of God’s intervention in their lives during these events. Please make camp and VBX a priority in the life of your children and students this summer. There is still time to register for all remaining camps and VBX at the links below:
- June 24-29– Beach Camp: Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. For students who have completed grades 8–12
- July 9-12– Middle School Camp: Sky Ranch, Oklahoma. For students who have completed grades 6-7
- July 9-12 – VBX 2018 – grades K-5
We are now into our Summer Program of Giving. Our entire summer at Cross Church is about living BY FAITH. If we all are faithful to weekly give the first tenth of all God entrusts to us, we will meet and even exceed our $6 million need for the summer. This ensures we will be able to continue reaching Northwest Arkansas, America, and the world during the busy summer months. We also continue our BY FAITH series in Romans this Sunday in Romans 3.
Invite a guest and we will see you Sunday.
Ronnie W. Floyd
Unity Among Ethnicities from Priscilla Shirer
During the National Day of Prayer National Observance, Priscilla Shirer shared about unity among ethnicities. It is important for us to remember we are fighting against the enemy of unity at all times. Please watch, share, and be encouraged.