Archive for February, 2018
This Week at Cross Church | I Love My Church Day is Coming Soon
Sunday, February 11 on All Campuses: I LOVE MY CHURCH DAY!
We are asking each small group, mission team, worship ministry, and age graded ministry to gather the masses of our membership, PLUS our guests from the past six months, and work to invite them to be present on a Cross Church Campus on Sunday, February 11. I LOVE MY CHURCH DAY is very important—it cannot be compromised! Let’s make it a huge success!
Their emphasis is “Welcome Home!” Let’s pray into this big, exciting Sunday on this campus. Our supporting campuses also need to have a powerful Sunday on this day so we can all intercede for our brothers and sisters at the new Fayetteville Campus. If you attend one of our other campuses, PLEASE don’t use this day to attend services at Fayetteville to check out the new campus – this can be done on another day. We want all the space available on this BIG DAY to reach into the city of Fayetteville and gather thousands to attend these opening services on Sunday, February 25 along with the Cross Church Fayetteville family.
Cross Church Ministry Budget is Our Financial Priority Here
We believe Scripture teaches us to honor God with at least the first tenth of all God has entrusted to us, giving it through our local church’s ministry budget. This is our bread and butter here at Cross Church. This funds our ministry here, across America, and the world. Additionally, we are asking God to eliminate our $10 million debt no later than the end of the year 2020. We believe this will happen as God’s people fund our Ministry Budget along with some special gifts. Our Fayetteville Campus is also advancing toward meeting their over and above need for giving to our WE BELIEVE financial campaign to complete their new campus need. As of this moment, they are still in need of $2,596,000 to fulfill their commitments, with an estimated twenty months left in their thirty-six month giving campaign. This is outstanding, so we believe we will see this need met to God’s glory!
Please Pray for All God is Doing Through Cross Church
If you are not part of our intercessory prayer ministry, Cross Church Circle, join us right here. By joining us, you are committing to pray for 30 minutes weekly, according to the Prayer Guide we send. We need you. It will inform and inspire you to pray along with over 3,000 of our people. Additionally, each month on my blog, I call upon Christians across America to join us to pray for three prayer priorities for America. You can join us in praying for these needs as well.
Our Northwest Arkansas Marriage Conference Was an Outstanding Success Last Friday Night
Over 2,000 people attended our one-night conference on Friday evening. Dr. Jeff and Julie Crawford, Dr. Nick and Meredith Floyd, and my wife, Jeana Floyd, all did an outstanding job. It was fun, laid back, but engaging creatively. If you missed it, or would like to watch it again, you can view it right here.
A Trip to Israel with Dr. Ronnie & Jeana Floyd – July 5-14, 2018
We have an outstanding group registered to travel with us to Israel July 5-14. If you are thinking about joining us, you need to register soon. Any remaining seats with the airline will be released on March 15. You may register here. If you have any questions, contact Gayla Oldham at or call 479-751-4523.
If You Missed Sunday
If you weren’t with us on Sunday, we preached from Exodus 32-34. If you were ill or away, I hope you catch up with us by watching here.
Pray for me, pray for our team, and pray for our church!
Dr. Ronnie W. Floyd