Archive for February, 2018

This Week at Cross Church | I Love My Church Day

February 11: I Love My Church Day at Cross Church!

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This Sunday, February 11, is I Love My Church Day at Cross Church. Will you join us on this great day? Please make sure we work together toward these two things:

  • Make sure every member of Cross Church is contacted this week
  • Make sure every guest from the past six months is contacted this week

If we will be faithful to do this and work toward this day with intentionality, Sunday will be a great day at Cross Church on all four of our campuses.

February 25: New Fayetteville Campus Launch Sunday

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The new campus in Fayetteville will be a great addition to Cross Church. When I toured the campus last Friday night with Nick and Meredith, it was a great reminder of God’s faithfulness to His people. The vision to reach Fayetteville is powerful and compelling. The facility where the church will meet is current and functional. The membership of Cross Church is ready and available to be used by God There is still much to be done before February 25. Above all, tell everyone in Fayetteville about this big day and encourage them to attend Cross Church in Fayetteville on this day and beyond. We really believe God is about to launch one of His great works in the world in a new way! Pray for Fayetteville Campus Launch Sunday, February 25.

March 11: Best-Selling Author, Joel Rosenberg, will be at Cross Church Springdale and Pinnacle Hills

JoelRosenberg-twaccOn Sunday morning March 11, best-selling author Joel Rosenberg will be speaking at Cross Church Springdale and Pinnacle Hills. Do not miss it. This is also Time Change Sunday, where you turn your clock ahead one hour before you retire on Saturday night. Plan to be with us on this day!


March 11: 5:00 p.m. Meeting for Israel Trip with Joel Rosenberg and Ronnie and Jeana Floyd

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On Sunday afternoon, March 11, at 5:00 p.m. on our Springdale Campus, Joel Rosenberg and I will be meeting with all those already signed up to go to Israel with us, and anyone interested in going. We will meet in the Chapel at the Springdale campus. Joel Rosenberg will talk about our 1-day conference in Israel, as well as answer your questions about traveling to Israel.

March 31 – April 1: Easter Weekend is on the Way

Plan now to spend Easter Weekend with us at Cross Church. We will have services on Saturday and Sunday. We will post our times and locations soon, so you can begin planning to bring your family and friends on this pivotal weekend. This year, we will be putting all of our energy toward March 31 and April 1. We will not be having Passion Week Luncheons the week before Easter or a Good Friday service. All efforts will be focused on March 31 and April 1 and our Easter Weekend services.

May 3: The National Day of Prayer

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Pray now and begin to plan how you can be involved all over Northwest Arkansas and beyond on the National Day of Prayer on Thursday, May 3, 2018. Pray for me and our entire team as we bring focus to the national efforts for the National Day of Prayer. Join our newsletter and receive updates along the way so you can see how God is working and you will know how to pray for us. You can sign up here. And please share this graphic on social media and help us call all of America to unity.

See you Sunday!

Ronnie W. Floyd

3 Prayer Priorities in America for February 2018
