Archive for July, 2014
This Week at Cross Church | Back in the Pulpit this Sunday, and More
This coming Sunday, I will return to the pulpit at Cross Church. For the past couple of Sundays, I have been away on an attempt to rest and relax. I did not grade well in this area at all this year.
What I have been up to
Following our Summer Freedom Sunday, I spent a couple of weeks in Florida and Alabama. The first week, we had children and grandchildren with us. During the second week, Jeana and I spent time together, ending our days in Birmingham, Alabama, as we drove up from Florida.
We spent three days taking care of our two oldest grandsons as Josh worked in his new job at Hewitt Trussville High School, and Kate was in the final preparation for their move from Arkansas to Alabama.
Since I was scheduled for a meeting at the National Headquarters of the Women’s Missionary Union in Birmingham, Alabama, the timing worked out favorably. Yesterday, I spent time meeting with Wanda Lee, the Executive Director and Treasurer of the WMU, and her staff team. What a grand work this ministry has done over their 125 years of history. Through the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions, the WMU leads the way in mobilizing churches to give 54% of the International Mission Board’s operating budget through this one offering.
I have been involved some with our ministry at Cross Church the past couple of weeks, but mostly with my responsibilities as President of the Southern Baptist Convention. I have been very busy with the release of the Supreme Court’s decision on Hobby Lobby, plus the crisis on the border of Texas, along with interviews, engagements, and correspondence. Yet, God has sustained me and will see me through this time in response to the prayers of His people. Thanks for praying for me.
Preaching this Sunday: “The Unstoppable Kingdom of God”
This coming Sunday, my text will be the final two verses in the Book of Acts. Please join me. As I preach on “The Unstoppable Kingdom of God”, pray for me. I am excited about these two great verses and the message God has been putting on my heart. For these past eighteen months, we have been diligently working through this long book of Acts. God has spoken. We have grown. Now we must advance His Kingdom of Hope!
Invite Someone to Church this Week
Please invite someone to worship this coming week. We cannot ignore the great need of the hour in the lives of people. The gospel is their #1 need.
Let’s take Jesus to them. Please pray for me this Sunday. Pray for our other preaching pastors. Pray for our worship services.
Yours for the Great Commission,
Ronnie W. Floyd
A Pastor and His Wife
Perhaps the most important decision a pastor makes in his life and ministry is choosing the woman who will become his wife. Through my years of pastoring and leading churches, I have always found that a pastor and his ministry will not surpass his marital relationship in terms of healthy growth. If his marriage is healthy, his ministry has a much greater probability of being productive and effective. Conversely, if his marriage is unhealthy, his ministry will be extremely limited and affected greatly.
Jeana and I have been married over 37 years. I became a local church pastor in September 1976, and we were married on Dec. 31, 1976. Jeana was a piano major in college and I am convinced I received the call to my first church because they needed a piano player!
3 Actions for Every Pastor and his Wife
1. You Are Partners
You are partners in marriage and in ministry. Yes, I wrote that statement correctly. Partnership in marriage many understand, but partnership in ministry is becoming a unique quality for a pastor and his wife.
Jeana and I have always been partners in ministry. We have walked together hand-in-hand through all our years in ministry. She is fully involved in the life of the church. Every pastoral candidate that I call to serve on our Cross Church team is joined by his wife at his final interview. That interview is more about her than it is him.
During that interview I talk to her and ask her:
*Do you go to worship?
*Are you involved in a ministry of the church?
Then I proceed to tell her along with her husband:
*If you come here I expect you to be in worship weekly.
*If you come here I expect you to be involved in a ministry.
*If you come here I expect you to be involved in our monthly staff wives luncheon that Jeana leads.
*If you come here I expect you to be involved in our annual staff advance.
At Cross Church, we expect a pastor and his wife to be partners in ministry. More importantly, God expects a pastor and his wife to be partners in ministry.
2. Live Life Together
A pastor and his wife need to live life together. Yes, ministry is busy and at times very demanding. Every job has challenging seasons.
However, a pastor and his wife need to live life together. When time away from ministry occurs, this should not mean that he goes his way and she goes her way. Go together! Live life together.
The strongest testimony of a pastor and his wife comes when your people see you together, enjoying life together and living life together. This also keeps both of you from becoming vulnerable to the enemy’s attacks of sexual temptation. When people see you and your wife living life together this lets all others know: She is mine and I am hers. If you are not together or you are rarely seen together, you are sending signals that are very unhealthy for your people. Therefore, live life together!
3. Be Consistent
Be consistent in your walk with Christ and your calling to ministry both at church and at home. Do not be a hypocrite! The last thing the wife of the pastor needs to see is a different man at home than she sees in the pulpit. This is especially true when children enter into your life. Equally, the pastor does not need to come home to a wife who is personified at church as a great woman of God, but at home is a tough lady.
Both a pastor and his wife need to be consistent in their daily walk with Jesus. Consistent in their daily time with God. Consistent in praying together daily. Consistent in their family life and church life.
The anointing of God cannot be fooled! God knows if you are real and consistent daily, wherever you are. Usually, the anointing of God is strongest to those who live consistently wherever they may be, whether at home, at the ball field, within a restaurant, or at the church.
Many More Thoughts
Yes I have many more thoughts on this, but let’s just think upon and pray about these for now:
*You are partners
*Live life together
*Be consistent
May the Holy Spirit empower you to be these things and more!
Yours for the Great Commission,
Ronnie W. Floyd