Archive for December, 2013

This Week at Cross Church | Where Do We Go From Here?

Pastor-Blog-yellow-sweater.pngThe last week has been influenced greatly by inclement weather. Without any doubt, the weather has presented multiple challenges here at Cross Church. Yet, we have confidence that God is in control. Where do we go from here?

Christmas Worship Night Moves to December 15

PerfectGift-BlogAfter many weeks of rehearsals and intense preparation, the inclement weather last weekend forced us to reschedule our Christmas Worship Night, “The Perfect Gift,” to this coming Sunday evening at 5:30 p.m. at the Pinnacle Hills Campus. This special night will feature the combined worship choirs, talent, and giftedness of all of our Cross Church campuses leading us in a fabulous way. You will not want to miss it. Bring others with you. Fabulous worship like you will experience this Sunday night is part of the great and undeniable distinctiveness of Cross Church.

Jesus 1st Series Continues This Sunday

JesusFirst-BlogI am so looking forward to sharing the Word of God with you this coming Sunday as we continue our Jesus 1st series. How grateful I am to be able to present the Word of God to you weekly, not only teaching it, but growing with you through it. Be here on Sunday. Do not miss it. Bring others with you and invite people to join you weekly.

Financial Needs Intensify

Any time a church loses a weekend worship experience to inclement weather, there is a high cost financially. While many of our people insure they make up their giving when they are away, some do not. Therefore, our financial needs intensify. Historically, December is an incredible month for Cross Church financially. People insure they have honored God with the first tenth of ALL God has given to them financially, whether it is through cash income, stock income, property sales, inheritance, or other income. I want to encourage you to do it again this year. Beyond this, let’s all remember to work towards completing any commitments we made to our 3-year Greater Things Campaign that comes to conclusion in May, 2014. Another major goal we have is to challenge each of our people to give a sacrificial gift this December to our International Missions Offering called the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering For International Missions. This offering funds just under 5,000 missionaries across the world, outside of North America. Please see here all of the ways you can give.

Christmas Eve Worship Services Are Becoming a Priority

If you have never been to a Christmas Eve Worship Experience at Cross Church, you should come. There is nothing like it. It is comprised of: Fun and joy, inspirational Christmas music, singing carols, lighting candles, a story time for children, and a brief message from God’s Word. All of this and more happens in a meaningful 40-45 minute worship experience. Bring your family. You will be glad. Invite your friends. They will be glad. Dress however you normally dress for your family Christmas Eve, whether that be dressy or casual.

God bless you this week. Make Sunday a priority. I will see you on Sunday morning and evening here at Cross Church.

Yours for the Great Commission,

Ronnie W. Floyd

Consistency in the Life of a Pastor

Target arrowsPeople want leaders who are consistent. Have you ever been in a situation where you had to follow someone who does not lead consistently? You know, someone who is up and down, has emotions all over the map, and their responses are impulsive. Let’s set the record straight.

Consistency is adhering to the same principles. Consistency is acting or behaving in the same way. Firmness, coherence, and regularity should never be undervalued. When a Pastor-Leader adheres consistently to the same principles, lives with regularity, and thinks coherently, he is able to add tremendous value to people and the church or organization he serves.

How consistent are you? How consistent is your leadership?

People desire pastors to be consistent. Are you consistent? Do you lead with a commitment to regularity, sameness, firmness, and always live by the same principles you preach to others? These are serious questions that each of us must answer honestly. Let’s face it: Jesus Christ lived a consistent life. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Consistency is one way we can strive to be like Jesus.

When you lead consistently

When a Pastor leads consistently…

  • Your people will trust you. It is much easier to trust and place confidence in a pastor who leads consistently. People become endeared to a leader they can count on. There is enough uneasiness in the world already; people want to have a pastor they can trust. Consistency leads to trust.
  • Your people will respect you. Pastors should not have a personal goal to be liked by everyone; however, a pastor needs to have a goal to be respected. A leader will be admired and receive high respect when he leads consistently.
  • Your people will follow you. It is much easier to follow a leader who is clear and consistent than it is to follow a leader who is inconsistent. If people cannot count on some “sameness” in your life, they will be less likely to follow you. I have observed this for years: Staff members in my fellowship that have tested well through the storms and difficult circumstances of life and have lived consistently, never have a problem with people following them.

A few final words…

I know many pastors who do not live consistently and do not lead with consistency in their lives. It is not a matter of the heart as much as a matter of priorities. If we want people to trust us, respect us, and follow us, we must live and lead with consistency.

Yours for the Great Commission,

Ronnie W. Floyd