Archive for May, 2013

Americans seek a listening ear

listenWhere do you turn when you are under pressure? Friends? Family? Pastor? Counselor?

At times every one of us is under pressure and needs help. Very few people attempt to make it through life without help and with good reason! God did not call us to be “Lone Ranger” Christians. Even the Lone Ranger had Tonto.

Where do Americans turn when under pressure? In a recent survey from LifeWay Research and Bible Studies for Life more than 1,500 Americans were asked this question: “Where do you turn to when you feel pressured?” While more than one-third said “prayer” and nearly half indicated “within myself,” only one of the eight options gained a majority (52%): “someone who will listen”. “Someone who will listen” rated even higher than “someone who will give advice” (32%).

The benefits of listening over talking

Some people surmise that the benefits of counseling are less about the words of the counselor and more about the fact he or she simply listens to the counselee talk it out. It is no accident that listening is one of the strongest elements of small group Bible studies.

Anytime believers gather to study God’s Word, whether a Sunday morning or weeknight, they should intentionally include an element of sharing outside the prayer request time. It is very hard to effectively minister to each other when no one really knows the needs. Learning about the needs comes from listening.

As we seek to involve those outside the family of faith, we do well to remember people are looking for listeners rather than talkers. This will be clear as we consider the instruction to “be quick to hear, slow to speak” (James 1:19). Our tendency is to speak so we can fix the problem. But, the need is to listen so we can better understand the problem.

Listening to those under pressure accomplishes three things:

1. It provides clarity for us. Bad counsel derives from misunderstanding the problem. Intent listening helps us discern the exact issue or issues.

2. It demonstrates true concern. When we talk we demonstrate concern about what we say. When we listen we demonstrate concern about what is being said. It is only then effective counsel might be offered.

3. It strengthens the relationship. All beneficial relationships depend on good communication. As we listen to those in need, relationships are strengthened. In the case of those who do not know Christ, listening can open the door to an effective sharing of the Gospel.

As we go throughout this week let us seek to be listeners to those in need. And, when the time comes, we will also be heard.

Yours for the Great Commission,

Ronnie W. Floyd

This Week at Cross Church: Around The Ministry and Needs Before Us

15223-84105Today I want to take you on a tour through our ministry and share with you needs currently before us. I am convinced that God has given His people gifts and resources to meet needs; however, we all need to know what those needs are in order to help meet them.

We still need $94,000 for Summer Camp Scholarships

This summer we will take 750 children and students to camp. At least half of those students are in need of a financial scholarship. The cost of each camp per student is: Children’s Camp – $299; Middle School Camp – $285; and Student Camp – $450. Therefore, our overall camp scholarship need is $100,000 above the tithe — the 10% of all God has given to us that we give through our Ministry Budget. Thanks to many of you who gave to this need this past Sunday. To God be the glory! We are going to continue to share this need in the coming weeks in order to determine how many scholarships we can offer our children and students. Cross Church, please help us with this need. If you decide to give by check or cash, denote on the check or offering envelope a special gift for “SCHOLARSHIPS”, or go online to

Our 2013 Summer Program of Giving need is $4,665,000

For many years, we have highlighted our Ministry Budget giving needs during the 15 weeks between Memorial Day Sunday, May 26, through Labor Day Sunday, September 1. During the Summer Program of Giving we lay before you what it takes to operate the Ministry Budget of the church during this highly traveled season of time.

Meeting this weekly need of $311,000 keeps every Cross Church ministry running at an optimal level even though most of our families are away at some point for summer vacation. Please dial-in here with us. Our church’s ministries are dependent on your financial support regardless of if you are in town or not. Our ministry marches on from Sunday worship services, to mission ministries, age-graded ministries, to special events like our Summer Freedom Celebration on June 30 and Vacation Bible School. This summer is a great time to activate:

Automated Giving which is easy to set-up
Giving online wherever you are around the world

Join us for Mother’s Day and Global Missions Sunday, May 12

On May 12, Mother’s Day, we will be taking pictures of all mothers and their families. Mothers, invite and bring your families to worship with you. Families, invite and bring your Moms to worship with you. The family photo will be free of charge. Multiple photo settings will be offered on each campus, brevity will happen, and quality is our goal. Photo opportunities will be available before and after each worship service.

Additionally on this Sunday, we will observe our Global Missions Day.  On this special Sunday we will be privileged to have some of the world’s greatest champions for missions in our presence. The Board of Trustees for the International Mission Board will be meeting in Northwest Arkansas during the week of May 12. Therefore, we will be privileged to hear:

Springdale Campus:
9:15 a.m. – Dr. Tom Elliff, President of the IMB
10:55 a.m. – International missionary, due to the location this missionary is presently serving, we are not at liberty to share his name at this time.
Pinnacle Hills Campus:
9:15 a.m. – Dr. Tom Elliff, President of the IMB (simulcast)
10:55 a.m. – Dr. Tom Elliff, President of the IMB
Fayetteville Campus:
8:30,10, 11:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. – Dr. Gordon Fort, Senior Vice President, Office of Prayer Mobilization and Training of the IMB
College Avenue Campus:
10:30 a.m. – Lance Morton, Missionary Appointee

IMB’s Missionary Appointment Service at the Pinnacle Hills Campus

On the evening of May 15 at 6:30 p.m., Cross Church Pinnacle Hills will host the appointment service of 58 missionaries that will serve around the world through the International Mission Board. These are our missionaries! On this evening, you will hear from Dr. Tom Elliff, President of the IMB. Please note that on May 15 all Wednesday night activities will be canceled across our four campuses to ensure that our people can attend the appointment service.

Cross Church Family, we are serious about reaching Northwest Arkansas, America, and the World for Jesus Christ

All we do should be or is committed to fulfilling this vision within our church. This is my heart and goal as your Pastor. We do what we do in order to see this vision fulfilled. It cannot and will not happen without each of you in our church family joining us in this worthy Gospel endeavor. Thank you for all you have done and will do in the future.

Yours For The Great Commission,

Ronnie W. Floyd