Archive for March, 2013

It is time to praise our Risen King!

This past week has been powerful for both the Cross Church family and myself. Today, I will lead the final Passion Week luncheon at our Pinnacle Hills campus – a campus that will simultaneously be preparing for a dynamic event this evening with the Cross Church Worship Choirs and the Symphony of Northwest Arkansas.

To those of you who have attended the Passion Week lunches, thank you, and I hope these events have deepened your understanding of the significance of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. If you were unable to attend, video of each of these special events is available here. I encourage you to watch these videos and prepare your heart for Easter weekend praise and worship.

Easter Weekend is Here!

All of the Passion Week events have led to this weekend – Easter weekend! Your Cross Church ministry team and family will be celebrating our Risen King at 14 Easter Weekend worship services across our four campuses. At each of these 14 services, we will study “The Resurrection of Jesus Christ From The Dead” from Matthew 27:62–65; 28:1–15.

My hope and prayer is that our people will fully understand the implications of the death and burial of Jesus Christ, and then come to recognize and rejoice in the power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

We Can’t Wait to Welcome Your Guests

Throughout the past two weeks the Cross Church campus pastors and I have encouraged you to invite guests to Easter Weekend worship, and I hope that you have done so. Cross Church, I assure you people will come when asked. There is still ample time to send your friends, neighbors, and coworkers a quick email or text message inviting them to fellowship and worship with you.

If you have already invited guests to join you this weekend, start praying for them now. Pray that they absorb the Easter message and respond accordingly. Also, please pray for our worship teams, our campus pastors, our volunteers, and for me. This is the biggest weekend of the year and we would all appreciate your prayers and encouragement.

Our Easter Weekend Schedule:


4:00 pm

9:15 & 10:55 am

Pinnacle Hills

5:30 pm

9:15 & 10:55 am


4:30 & 6:00 pm

7:30, 9:00, 10:30 am
& 12:00 pm

College Avenue

5:30 pm

10:30 am


Thank you Cross Church, I look forward to praising the Risen King with you this weekend.

Your Pastor and Friend,

Ronnie Floyd


CCF Worship - Kelsey Tice-51 copyaI want you to bring it on Easter Weekend. We will offer 14 service options on our four campuses. See these options here. Please attend the campus you attend normally.

Bring People With You

Everywhere you go this week, please invite people to join you at one of our services. Plenty of service options are available so surely you can find one that will match your schedule and one that will suit those attending with you. People will come with you on Easter Weekend. Therefore, invite, invite, and invite more.

Bring Your A-Game For Worship

This day is our Big Day as followers of Jesus Christ. Therefore, when we come to worship on this coming weekend, bring your A-Game . . . your BEST! Don’t be late. Come prepared. Pray. Then, explode in worship with singing, adoration, and praise to God. Engage in the Word of God as it is proclaimed and pray the entire service for you and for others, especially for those without Christ.

Bring Your Financial Offerings

We experienced some incredible weather challenges the past three Sundays. On Time Change Sunday, March 10, we had a major thunderous rain. On March 17, the first Sunday of Spring Break, it was another rainy day. This past Sunday, the second Sunday of Spring Break, we had snow! Many of you have been away . . . so please be faithful in making up your offerings.

Be faithful:

         *Giving the first one-tenth of your income to the Ministry Budget of our church.

         *Fulfilling your commitment made to Greater Things in our 2nd anniversary month.

This past Sunday, Jeana and I completed our commitment, join us in doing so if you can. This three-year endeavor has been incredible!

Therefore, when you come on Easter Weekend, bring your financial offerings.

Finally . . .

I trust I will see you on this Easter Weekend. Let’s make it grand and our greatest in the 143-year history of Cross Church.

Your Pastor and Friend,

Ronnie W. Floyd