Archive for the 'Pastors' Category

Developing Your Staff Team

DevelopmentThere are many ways a leader can develop their staff team, but I have never found a better way than allocating time away from the office together. In fact, whether it be days or hours, the end will result in a much stronger team.

Jeana and I Just Led Our 31st Consecutive Staff Advance

Last Thursday, Jeana and I closed out our 31st consecutive Staff Advance for our Ministry Staff and their spouses here at Cross Church. This three and one-half-day investment into our team was tremendous. We are grateful for this opportunity.

Why do we do it? We do this because we believe in:

  • Developing God-called leaders to lead
  • Launching God-called leaders to lead
  • Empowering God-called leaders to lead
  • Investing in God-called leaders and their spouses

Here is what we have found again and again, and please read this carefully: Not one God-called leader will ever rise above their marital relationship with their spouse, nor will they rise above the engagement of their spouse in their own ministry. That is why, for thirty-one consecutive years, Jeana and I have led this staff advance.

What Was Small Years Ago Has Now Flourished Greatly

When I came here as a boy preacher from Texas, I had no idea how long I would be here, but I believed even then in the importance of developing our small staff team. So, I started something that has flourished beyond my imagination. God has been so good to us.

I am convinced that one of the reasons why Cross Church has grown and flourished over the years is this intentional, continual commitment to our Annual Staff Advance. For simplicity’s sake, we plan it for the same week each year, beginning the last Monday of July.

It can be tiring for Jeana and me to plan and lead, but the investment of time into the lives of people make it more than worth it all. Each of us always leave better individually and we always leave more unified.

The larger our church has grown and the more complex our organization has become makes these days more important than ever before.

Find Your Way To Develop Your Staff Team

Our way is not the only way, but it works for us. I cannot imagine leading this large, complex ministry without these few days together each year. It would make the days longer and the grind of ministry less enjoyable.

Here is what I have discovered: Your staff team does not need to be like you, nor do you all need be best friends, but you do need to enjoy working together.


Leadership is hard. Having a team that you enjoy working with and even enjoy personally makes leadership a joy.

My counsel to you today is simple: Find your way to develop your staff team.

Now is the Time to Lead,

Ronnie W. Floyd

We Need Pastors and Church Leaders with This Kind of Spirit: No Reserve… No Retreat… No Regret

williamwhitingbordenIn the early 1900s, 16-year-old William Whiting Borden graduated from The Hill School in Pottstown, Pennsylvania – a prestigious boarding school known for sending its alumni to Princeton University. He was an heir to the Borden family mining fortune, and had a clear path to wealth and success set before him.

But before Borden began his Ivy League education at Yale University, his parents sent him on a yearlong trip around the world as a graduation present.

Earlier in his life, Borden had come to Christ through the great ministry of D.L. Moody. While traveling the world, something happened that no one expected. As Borden crisscrossed through Japan, India, Syria, Turkey and other countries, he was moved by the spiritual and physical needs of people around the world.

Borden wrote a letter to his parents and informed them he wanted to spend the remainder of his life as a missionary. Upon hearing the news, one of his friends remarked that becoming a missionary would be tantamount to throwing one’s life away.

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