This Week at Cross Church | 7 Conversations

7 Conversations-blogOn Sunday, we began a new series entitled 7 Conversations You Need To Have With GodIn our first message, I shared about having A Conversation With God About Your Significance. I would encourage you to share this link with a friend. People need to know they matter to God. This Sunday, I will be preaching on A Conversation With God About Your Spiritual Growth. Please join us and invite others to come with you.

Blessing BasketsBlessing Baskets-blog

I do hope and pray our church will continue our strong commitment to funding our Blessing Basket ministry. For only $25 you can fund one family’s meal during the Thanksgiving Holiday. We need your help and you can go here to find out how you can be involved in serving. We need you. Please go here to fund at least one family for $25 and if you are able, join many of us who will fund several families.

Holiday ScheduleChristmas 2015-blog

It is important for each of us to be thinking about how God can use us uniquely and effectively in the coming holiday season. We believe in Thanksgiving and Christmas, and build many wonderful ministries around this season. Please help us by attending, serving, inviting, and giving. We can do more together than we can ever do individually. Please go here to learn more about our holiday schedule and ministry.

Woodlawn Movie and VisionWoodlawn-Blog

Thank you for joining us in our Woodlawn vision and strategy. If you have not seen the movie please learn more about it by previewing this brief trailer. Due to the generosity of our people, our church was able to rent seventeen theaters. A pastor was able to share at the conclusion of each showing. The result is that through these seventeen unique showings, we had 546 people come to Christ. Yes, Cross Church, you are amazing and to God be the glory!

Now is the Time to Bring Someone to Church With You This Sunday,

Ronnie W. Floyd