This Week at Cross Church | Dear Cross Church Family

Ben-HeadshotWOW and praise God for an incredible year at Cross Church! And, Thank You Cross Church Family, for all you do to “Reach Northwest Arkansas, America, and the world for Jesus Christ”. This is the missional statement of Cross Church and it is our VISION for the year ahead. This is the first week of our new Ministry Budget year. Our Ministry Budget is the funding source of the ministries of our church that allows us to reach the world for Jesus Christ. This year’s Ministry Budget adopted by Cross Church is $18,100,000. That means our operating needs as a church are $348,077 weekly for the next 52 weeks. The growth of our church and our now five campuses calls upon us to meet this budget need. More importantly, the VISION of our church to reach a lost and hurting world with the hope of Christ’s love should motivate all of us to support this need. Cross Church needs the support of every attendee and each gift matters – from the smallest to the largest. Each matters to God. Pastor Floyd said recently, “What God has given to us biblically and missionally, we must refuse to lose financially.” So, let’s all give together to achieve our VISION for the glory of God alone.

For the CityFor the City-blog

Cross Church, we have some great days ahead of us. For the City is a weeklong emphasis in our community to show the love of Jesus Christ to the people of Northwest Arkansas. The highlight of the week will be a powerful worship service on Sunday, October 25, as we celebrate what God has done during that week and honor all of the first responders that serve our area. So, invite your friends to our Sunday services as we express our gratitude for these heroes of our communities. This is exactly the kind of outreach our Ministry Budget funds as we do things like this for our communities.

Church Family, it is incumbent upon us to understand the incredible stewardship God has entrusted to us – His Children. Jesus said in Luke 12:48, “…Much will be required of everyone who has been given much. And even more will be expected of the one who has been entrusted with more”. We are so blessed as a church and as God’s children. Let’s all do MORE for our church and for the Kingdom of God – because Jesus Christ alone is worthy.

Cross Church, Thank you again – I believe in you.

Ben Mayes
Executive Leader of Finance