The Southern Baptist Convention Annual Meeting Continues

SBC Tues Night-BlogThe Southern Baptist Convention Annual Meeting continues today. If you are unable to be with us in Columbus, watch live at or delayed at 7:30 p.m. CST on DayStar Television Network.

Tuesday Recap

Yesterday, I was honored to be nominated and re-elected to serve as President of the Southern Baptist Convention for another year. Serving this past year has been an honor and privilege, and I look forward to the next year as we continue to ask God for the next Great Awakening in America and to reach the world for Christ.

Last night was a powerful time of prayer together. Thousands filled the room and we cried out to the Lord together for unity, persecuted Christians, the next Great Awakening, and to reach the world for Christ. I called upon pastors to devote an entire service to prayer, praying with our churches for these things and more. Our order of service from last night can be used as a tool to inspire your own prayer service.

Wednesday’s Highlights

You will not want to miss today! Below are a few highlights and you can see the full schedule here.

9:40 a.m. EST – Church and Mission Sending Celebration: Joint Commissioning Service

3:35 p.m. EST – The President’s Panel: “The Supreme Court and Same-Sex Marriage: Preparing our Churches” (More info here.)

4:30 p.m. EST – Convention Sermon — Eddie Bumpers, pastor, Crossway Baptist Church, Springfield, Mo.

We will formally dismiss at 5:15 p.m. EST, and pray you’ll stay with us until the end.

Yours for the Great Commission,

Ronnie W. Floyd

Senior Pastor, Cross Church
President, Southern Baptist Convention


Dr. Ronnie Floyd is currently serving as the President of the Southern Baptist Convention. The Southern Baptist Convention is America’s largest Protestant denomination with more than 15.7 million members in over 46,000 churches nationwide.

To request an interview with Dr. Ronnie Floyd
contact Gayla Oldham at (479) 751-4523 or email