This Week at Cross Church | Invite Your Friends to Church This Sunday

It is our prayer that you will bring your friends to church this Sunday. On each of our campuses in April, we are having a special one-day emphasis on reaching people for Christ. This past Sunday, to God’s glory, there were 104 professions of faith at our Fayetteville campus! This Sunday, we will focus on the Springdale and Pinnacle Hills campuses. Our friend, Ken Freeman, will be proclaiming God’s Word. This is a fabulous opportunity to bring any friend that does not know Christ or is away from God. Jeana and I look forward to hearing Ken speak this Sunday.

10-Circle10 Minutes for Marriage This Sunday

On each of our campuses this Sunday, we will take 10 Minutes for Marriage and have a special focused prayer time. Next Tuesday, April 28, the United States Supreme Court will begin hearing oral arguments for and against redefining marriage in America. It is incumbent on the church of Jesus Christ all across America to pray for this historic case before the Supreme Court of the United States. We will focus our prayers this Sunday and I hope you will continue to pray with me regarding this pivotal and historic moment in American history.

5-Circle5 Minutes of Prayer Before Sunday for Cross Church

Between now and Sunday, would you set aside five minutes to pray for Cross Church? We have 3,000+ of our people who join me thirty minutes a week, praying in agreement by using a monthly prayer guide. Would you join me in praying for these specific requests from our April guide?

In Jesus’ name, open doors of Gospel opportunity for Cross Church.

“Oh that You would bless me and enlarge my border, and that Your hand might be with me, and that You would keep me from harm, so that it might not bring me pain! And God granted what he asked.” (1 Chronicles 4:10)

• Lord, open the windows of heaven’s blessing upon Cross Church.
• Lord, open the windows of heaven’s blessings upon me right now.
• Lord, enlarge the borders of Gospel influence for Cross Church now, in witnessing, going, baptizing, and discipling people of all the nations; enlarge the Gospel influence significantly right here in Northwest Arkansas and Southwest Missouri.
• Lord, enlarge the borders of influence for me, so I can be used for the sake of the Gospel in all I do in my family, work, recreation, service, and ministry.
• Lord, put Your hand on Cross Church powerfully and mightily right now, doing things in us, around us, and through us that only You alone can receive the glory for doing. We need Your power; in Jesus’ name, give it to us now in all we do.
• Lord, put Your hand on me powerfully and mightily this week, doing things in me and through me that only You can do. I need Your power; in Jesus’ name, give it to me now.
• Lord, keep and protect our church from harm from Satan and his demonic forces. Protect us from attitudes of division within our church family, and judge any actions taken against our church family by anyone, so that we may praise You and be used for You in an unprecedented way.
• Lord, keep and protect me from Satan and his demonic forces, so that I can praise You and be used for You like never before.
• Lord, give me spiritual revival now, Cross Church spiritual revival now, spiritual awakening in America now, so the Gospel will be preached to every person in the world; Oh God, the urgency is upon us; grant it all now in Jesus’ name.
• Lord, when Pastor Floyd leads the annual Southern Baptist Convention meeting on June 16-17, 2015, in Columbus, Ohio, open the heavens and come down in supernatural power, consuming the gathering in the power of the Holy Spirit, and mobilizing the largest Protestant denomination to reach the world for Christ.
• Lord, mobilize many people in our church to join our choir and worship team in early 2015, so that we can mobilize great numbers each week at Cross Church. Also, mobilize great numbers of people to join Pastor Floyd and Global Worship Pastor, Julio Arriola, as they lead worship for the Southern Baptist Convention June 16-17, 2015.
• Lord, give Pastor Floyd Your message to proclaim in his Presidential Address at the Southern Baptist Convention on the morning of June 16. When he proclaims the Word, anoint him; oh God, and fall upon this gathering.
• Lord, fall upon the Tuesday, June 16 evening session with the power of God and a fresh outpouring of the Spirit when Pastor Floyd leads A NATIONAL CALL FOR PRAYER TO ALL SOUTHERN BAPTISTS FOR THE NEXT GREAT AWAKENING AND TO REACH THE WORLD FOR CHRIST.
• Father, in Jesus’ name, answer this bold Bible promise for our church corporately, for each campus specifically, and for each ministry generously.
• Lord, answer this bold Bible promise for each member of Cross Church who loves You and wants to follow You; answer it for them personally, vocationally, financially, and futuristically.
• Lord, answer this bold Bible promise for me so I will follow You passionately in every way, every day.
• Lord, answer this bold Bible promise for our Southern Baptist family of 50,000 plus churches and congregations, falling upon each minute of the convention meeting on June 16-17.

Thanks you, church family, for joining us in prayer. If you would like to join our Cross Church Circle, you can find out more here. We need you to pray with us weekly.

Your Pastor,

Ronnie W. Floyd