This Week at Cross Church | I Love My Church Day is Sunday, February 15

ILoveCC2015-BlogSince 1988, we have observed I LOVE MY CHURCH DAY faithfully every year in our fellowship! In a day when many are suspicious of the church and others are negative about the church in America, we need to always call people to Jesus and to what He loves. Jesus loves His Church! 

Prioritize Worship and Small Group on Sunday, February 15      

Some of you will use Friday or Saturday night to celebrate Valentine’s Day, and we rejoice that you will. Yet, do NOT forget or neglect worship on February 15 with Cross Church. The message will conclude our series, and I promise it will be very encouraging and challenging to your life personally and our entire fellowship of Cross Church. BRING someone with you, or INVITE others to join you on February 15.

On Monday, I Released an Article I Really Want You to Read    

Heroic Leadership-BlogOn Monday, February 9, I released an article entitled, America Needs Heroic Leadership in the Present, Leadership That Champions Religious Liberty Globally. Please take the time to read this article and help me distribute it by sending to your friends, colleagues, and family members.

Cross Church Family, we need each of you to rise up and declare that we must do something about this global crisis. We need to call upon our local, state, and national politicians to work together toward strategic action globally. For those of you who have influence in your companies or corporations, rise up and use that influence for the cause of religious liberty globally.

You may think “I cannot do that,” but children, women, and men are being brutalized, abused, and murdered by the thousands. We cannot sit back and say nothing and do nothing. We must rise up now!

Entering a Major Season Where I Need Prayer Like Never Before      

I know you may be weary of me saying this, but church, I need you so much to pray for me. On Sunday afternoon, Jeana and I leave for the significant gathering of our Southern Baptist Convention’s Executive Committee. This meeting is also attended by the national leaders of our SBC entities as well as many of our State Executives.

I have the responsibility and honor to speak to them and be involved in or lead several major meetings. When I wrap up there, I am driving to Columbus, Ohio, for a day, and then fly home on Wednesday night.

As I continue to keep the leadership of our Cross Church Family a priority, I have the responsibility of leading meetings and preparing for many preaching engagements across America which I have the privilege to be a part of during this time as President of the SBC.

Therefore, I need prayer like never before. In order for you to pray for me specifically, I share my schedule with you throughout the remainder of February. Thankfully, I will be here during some weeks and every Sunday this month.

  • February 16-17: Executive Committee of the SBC in Nashville, Tennessee, speaking on Monday evening, February 16
  • February 16: Great Commission Council Meeting
  • February 16: Speaking to Executive Committee
  • February 17: Leading luncheon meeting, SBC Financial Future
  • February 18: Cedarville University Chapel, Cedarville, Ohio
  • February 18: Speaking to Collegiate Leaders, Columbus, Ohio
  • February 20: Wheaton Evangelism Conference, Wheaton, Illinois
  • February 23: Kentucky Baptist Evangelism Conference, Louisville, Kentucky
  • February 24: Southern Baptists of Texas Convention Cooperative Program Luncheon in Euless, Texas
  • February 24: Florida Baptist Evangelism Conference, Jacksonville, Florida
  • February 25: National Religious Broadcasters Convention, Nashville, Tennessee
  • February 27: Memphis Men’s Conference, Memphis, Tennessee

Therefore, Cross Church, please pray for prioritization of my responsibilities, wisdom at all times, sermon preparation, spiritual leadership, travel grace, and safety.

I Love You and I Love Cross Church,

Ronnie W. Floyd