This Week at Cross Church | What a Sunday and What a Future

What an incredible Sunday we had last week at Cross Church. Each campus rearranged their schedule for the incredible announcement we were able to share with you. If you missed Sunday, you must take the time to see the message here. This is an amazing blessing to Cross Church and only God gets the glory.

Land-BlogThe easiest way for us to communicate and share all the details with others is through these videos. But the quick version is this: Cross Church now has 13 acres of prime real estate with an estimated value of $5 million that did not cost us anything. We also have an option to purchase an additional 9 acres contiguous to this property sometime in the next three years, or work with a group that would develop it with a building we could lease. Only God knows the future, and we will have more details soon.

HistoryVideo-BlogYou Must See This Historic Video

On Sunday, we showed a fabulous video that chronicled the history of Cross Church. If you are a member or attender, please take the time to watch this 5-minute video. Cross Church, we have a fabulous future together. We need each other more than ever. Let’s move forward, giving our all to reach this region with the gospel.

On Monday, I released an article on The Spiritual State of our Union, which FOX NEWS placed on their website. This led to an interview on Gretchen Carlson’s program yesterday. In this interview, God created an opportunity to speak to the entire world. Following this time, Gretchen gave a personal commentary that is absolutely powerful. This 1-minute video will encourage you.

Please Pray for Me

On Wednesday, Jeana and I spoke to the Minister of Missions Metro group in San Antonio, which is comprised of the ministers who lead the mission ministries in the largest churches in America. Doug and Karen Sarver were the hosts this year and have invested their lives into these leaders this week. We love Doug and Karen and are so proud of their ministry to others.

Today I am in Jacksonville, Florida speaking to a very large Pastors’ Conference at the great First Baptist Church of Jacksonville. From there I fly to Baton Rouge, Louisiana, where on Saturday I speak at a National Rally to Pray for Revival and Awakening, led by Louisiana Governor Jindal. I will be back in Northwest Arkansas Sunday to preach at Cross Church. On Monday, I depart from Tulsa for Anchorage, Alaska, to speak to the Alaska Baptist Convention and back in Northwest Arkansas on Wednesday. Weather will be a blessing in Anchorage, a prediction of 9 degrees below zero. Ouch!

Please pray for me. I need wisdom, the touch and leadership of God while preparing, preaching, and leading, and protection and safety while I travel.

I love you and believe in you Cross Church. See you Sunday!

Yours for the Great Commission,

Ronnie W. Floyd