This Week at Cross Church | Dear Cross Church Family

Andy-roundedBen-rounded1,122.  Some might simply see that as a number.  At Cross Church, we count numbers because people are numbers, and they count.  The number 1,122 especially counts, as that is the number of people we saw come to Christ and be baptized last year!  Each of us, through our prayers, service, and giving have had a part in that number.

Cross Church Family, it has been an incredible year! Our people have been all over our region, country, and world sharing the love of Christ with those who don’t know Him. Our children’s and youth ministry teams have impacted thousands of young lives with the gospel message, shaping and molding the next generation of Christian men and women. Our adult and family ministries continue to pour into the men and women that are shaping the culture for Christ.

Cross Church Family, we know this season of holidays, as wonderful as they are, can be costly. As you financially plan for the holidays and the final eight weeks of 2014, please accept this challenge: ensure that you have honored God the Father by giving Him at least one-tenth of all He has given to you this year. We want to challenge you to ask yourself: how has the Lord blessed me through bonuses, dividends, and other ways?

The Bible teaches us that God doesn’t need our money; rather, He wants what our money represents: our priorities and ministry passions. Therefore, in the final weeks and days of 2014, join us in making a statement of gratitude, purpose, and faith by reviewing your 2014 earnings and giving accordingly. Your end-of-year contributions to the Cross Church ministry budget ensure a sturdy financial path is constructed for 2015.

One creative way to give a special gift is to donate stock directly to the Church. Stocks often increase substantially in value over time. If you have been one of the beneficiaries of this, consider contributing some of your stock rather than cash to the Church. Such gifts usually result in significant benefits for both the contributor and the Church (in addition to God’s blessings).

As we look toward 2015, hopeful and expectant, we thank the Lord for all He has done at and through Cross Church in 2014. It is our prayer that 2014 has only been a taste of what is to come. We need each of you to pray and give toward this end.

In advance, we thank you, for we know you will honor God and help Cross Church reach Northwest Arkansas, America, and the world for Jesus Christ.

Andy Wilson                                                                    Ben Mayes
Executive Leader of Ministry & Operations                       Executive Leader of Finance & Shiloh

P.S.  Don’t forget you can simply and securely give your tithes and offerings through Cross Church’s website at

Isreal-twacc_thumb.pngIsrael 2015

Have you ever wanted to see the Holy Land? Walk where Jesus walked, see what He saw, and experience the journey yourself. More information, including the trip itinerary and registration, can be found here. Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to visit Israel with Pastor Floyd and Jeana! November 21 is the deadline to sign up in order to ensure your air travel is with the group!