This Week at Cross Church | Important Update and Vision for the Coming Days

This past Tuesday evening, I had the privilege to speak at the Montana Southern Baptist Convention Annual Meeting. Even though this is one of our smaller conventions, I am so encouraged by their work. Please pray for them.

Like many of you, I have a full week ahead next week. I’ll be preaching at the ReFuel Conference in Lynchburg, VA on Wednesday morning, and Thursday morning at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY. Wherever I am, I want to be all the way in, focused completely on my assignment. That is why I ask that you pray for my health, energy, and focus each day. My most clear and passionate priority is serving Cross Church here in Northwest Arkansas.

ChangeFailure-twaccMessage this Sunday: Change Through Failure

Have you ever believed failing prohibited you from being used of God? Do not miss this Sunday as we talk about how God can change us through failure. I promise you, each of us needs this message. I cannot wait to share it with you.

Engage24-twaccTuesday, October 14: Share the gospel with someone!

Ask God for opportunities to share the gospel on October 14. We are joining hundreds of thousands of believers in sharing the gospel on this day. Our Cross Church campuses are also doing some strategic ministries on this important day that will focus on sharing the gospel with others. Join personally and collectively in our ministry. Whether you are in China, Maryland, California, or here, share the gospel with someone on October 14!

IllBe1-twaccMake sure you are in worship and small groups on Sunday, October 26!

This is “I’ll Be 1” Sunday, a day to gather our family, friends, coworkers and neighbors in 1 place with 1 heart. This is a day to personally commit to be present, both spiritually and physically, in a Cross Church worship service.

Additionally, this is a day for us, the Cross Church family, to invite people to join us for worship and ask the Lord to work powerfully within our church and among our people and guests.

Don’t forget, we are now in our new budget of $17,800,000 for the financial year of 2014-2015.

Join Jeana and me as we increase our giving to this exciting new budget. When you do, please know, we are giving more to missions than ever before through this budget. That includes regional, statewide, national, and international missions. Please join us in this financial journey! Let’s do it to His glory! It will happen through one believer at a time honoring God weekly through giving. Thank you for what you are doing to God’s glory. Go up with us now in your giving.

Yours for the Great Commission,

Ronnie W. Floyd