Pastors Today

Pastors today are leading in times that are changing at a record pace. From my personal experience of pastoring local churches for over three decades, I can testify that in the past five to seven years, change is racing out of control.

What are pastors today facing?

Pastors today are trying to figure out several things about leading a church, like:

  • Where is the church going in the future?
  • How do we deal with members coming to church less frequently?
  • How do we speak to the cultural issues in our day?
  • How do we create a disciple making culture in the church?
  • What is the best way to equip people to become involved in personal evangelism?

These are real live issues every pastor faces.

Years ago, most of this was much easier. Things were changing at a slower rate of speed. Church membership meant you were faithful in attendance, giving, and service. Cultural issues were seemingly less severe. Making disciples was much more the desire of the church, and many venues for doing so were consistently available. Personal evangelism was much more of an expectation because Christ-followers shared their faith unashamedly.

So when you serve as a pastor of a local church, you must lead and navigate through this constant tension. Can you do it? Yes, you can. The question is, will you do it?

Pastors today:

Bible-blog1. Need to always believe the Bible is their textbook for pastoring and leading the church.

Every pastor I know has a lot of noise in his ears, screaming and begging for attention. Yet, there is one source, one authority, one textbook that every pastor must always have. It is the Bible, God’s Word. Yes, there are many books that can contribute to pastoring a local church, but all books need to be filtered through the only authoritative book, the Bible. Therefore, the Bible is the Pastor’s textbook for pastoring and leading the church.

Church-blog2. Need to always believe that the church belongs to Christ and He will build His church.

In Matthew 16, Jesus was very clear that the church was built on Him and that He will build His church! He was not shy about this, nor did he apologize for it. He was clear in His voice and compelling in His vision. His church was on the offense, not the defense. Even the gates of hell cannot prevail against the church of Jesus Christ. Therefore, the church belongs to Jesus alone and He will build His church.

Earth-blog3. Need to always believe the church is to take the Gospel to the entire world and make disciples of all the nations.

Our Lord commands us to take the Gospel to all people and make disciples of all the nations. This is not a suggestion nor is it an option; it is Jesus’ command. The entire world includes our world, beginning right here. For me, it is Northwest Arkansas. Where is it for you? Yes, it includes America, and even the world. What a Great Commission it is! Therefore, each Christ-follower and church must own this Great Commission given to us by Jesus Christ, getting it done to God’s glory.

Final words

So in this changing world of pastoring a church, just stay anchored to the Word of God, convinced Jesus will build His church, and focused on taking the Gospel to the entire world, making disciples of all the nations.

If you do this, God will take care of the rest.

Yours for the Great Commission,

Ronnie W. Floyd