Seeking the Wisdom of God

“Over four billion online searches are made every day. But are we any wiser? Do we know how to wisely use that knowledge? Technology cannot deliver to us what God can. God is the source of wisdom, and the Bible shows us that when we trust Him, we too become wise.”1

We live in a time of unprecedented access to information. Internet queries return hundreds of thousands of websites to search. The rate of knowledge continues to increase. What people could never have imagined is now common knowledge. For those over 40 years old, the science of today is the science fiction of our childhood. Advances in information and technology continue at a breathtaking pace. But, is this enough?

The Apostle James exhorted the early Christians how to gain wisdom, “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God who gives to all generously.”2 If wisdom is ours for the asking, let us ask, and let us ask boldly!

Knowledge vs. Wisdom

Historically, Christians have recognized a distinction between knowledge and wisdom. Knowledge is the ability to accumulate data or facts. Wisdom is knowing how to apply knowledge in a way that pleases God. One might be a genius in astrophysics, yet lack basic spiritual wisdom. Another might be illiterate, yet a giant in the Spirit.

The Proverbs, for instance, were written “for learning what wisdom and discipline are.”3 There is a correlation between God and wisdom. Wisdom is not the ability to recite folksy sayings or give good advice on car buying. Wisdom brings people into God’s way for us to think and live. A truly wise person knows how to steer people toward God. Wisdom promotes godliness among all it touches.

If asking is the “how” of getting wisdom, then where do we get wisdom? “For the LORD gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding.”4 If we want wisdom, we must go to God to get it. Wisdom comes not from human effort, but from divine provision.

Two basic ways God provides wisdom for us:

1. Through people who are wise. “Walk with the wise and become wise.”5 The biblical model of making disciples is for those who are wise and walking with God to share wisdom with those who are less mature in the faith. Paul had Timothy, Jesus had the Twelve. Who among us has not benefitted from a mature believer’s wisdom? This is not accidental. God planned for wisdom to be shared from believer to believer.

2. Directly from God’s Word. The other way to get wisdom is directly from the Word of God. Through prayer and diligent study, the Holy Spirit will illuminate our minds to the truth. Then, knowing the truth, we apply it to the various circumstances of life. In this application of knowledge, wisdom is revealed.

Yours for the Great Commission,

Ronnie W. Floyd

Senior Pastor, Cross Church
General Editor, Bible Studies for Life

1Bible Studies for Life, Beyond Belief, Freddy Cardoza
2– James 1:5 (HCSB)
3– Proverbs 1:2a (HCSB)
4– Proverbs 2:6 (HCSB)
5– Proverbs 13:20 (HCSB)

3 comments on “Seeking the Wisdom of God

  1. […] Read more about the difference between wisdom and knowledge on Dr. Floyd’s blog this week, Seeking the Wisdom of God. […]

  2. keijo leppioja says:

    Yes and amen for glory to God for he has so much wisdom that give around the world to those who are asking from him like Salomon in his time and we living very blessed life for Christ and his victory over sin and now we will be fild of the HOly Spirit to joy and be used of him into reval that who is coming soon,thanks and bless,keijo sweden

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