Pray for Arkansas Prayer Gathering, Monday–Tuesday, April 21-22

ARPrayer3Approximately 300 pastors and ministers associated with the churches of the Arkansas Baptist Convention are gathering in Little Rock, Arkansas, on Monday, April 21, from 6:00 – 10:00 p.m. and Tuesday Morning, April 22, from 8:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon. Please pray for this gathering. Our focus is gathering to pray in an extraordinary way for spiritual revival personally, revival in the church, and spiritual awakening in America; so that we will see the Great Commission escalated to its rightful priority and accelerated to its completion in our generation. Spiritual revival is the manifested presence of God in our lives and churches. For far too long, the world has seen what we can do; it is time for the world to see what God can do!

Partnership With Our State Convention

God has raised up previous prayer gatherings in Dallas and Atlanta. Through these gatherings, He has moved upon our Executive Director, Dr. Sonny Tucker, in a powerful way. He, along with our Spiritual Awakening Task Force of the Arkansas Baptist State Convention, requested I lead one of these efforts in our state capital.

Therefore, with the input of others and under God’s direction, I have planned this major prayer gathering. The state convention has worked diligently taking care of all logistics, for which I am very grateful. The gathering will be held in the Student Building of Geyer Springs Baptist Church in Little Rock. We have approximately 300 registered participants and are still growing.

ARPrayer2Julio Arriola, our Global Worship Pastor, and our Worship Staff Team will join me in leading, along with some Arkansas pastors, who will be sharing the Word and setting up our prayer moments. It will be fabulous.

It has been a joy to work with Dr. Sonny Tucker and our state convention in this sacred effort. They are coming alongside of what God is doing, assisting and encouraging. I am most grateful for our partnership with them.

How Can You Pray?

1. Our focus is gathering to pray in an extraordinary way for spiritual revival personally, revival in the church, and spiritual awakening in America; so that we will see the Great Commission escalated to its rightful priority and accelerated to its completion in our generation. Therefore, pray for this to be the place we see the fire fall in our nation. Why not here?

2. Pray for me and other pastors who will be leading with me. Pray for a powerful anointing of God to occur upon us as we lead, share, and pray.

3. Pray for the pastors and ministers who will join us at this gathering. I believe God wants to do something very special. Over 300 people united in prayer can be used powerfully by God.

4. Pray for our Worship Staff Team. They have exhausted themselves over this past weekend, helping us conduct 15 Easter services on five campuses. We all need prayer for strength, focus, energy, and most of all, anointing.

5. Pray for God to come down powerfully in this historic gathering. It is imperative for the attenders, our churches, our state, our nation, and our world.

“If only You would tear the heavens open and come down!” (Isaiah 64:1)

Yours for the Great Commission,

Ronnie W. Floyd