This Week at Cross Church | HOPE, A New Sermon Series Begins This Weekend

This coming weekend, we celebrate Easter! This is our day of triumph, a day of everlasting hope!


Sunday, we begin a new series on HOPE. Our theme for the entire weekend is “Hope for Heaven.” This is a tremendous weekend for us to invite and bring many people with us to Cross Church. Please attend and bring people to the campus you regularly attend. You can discover times and options here.

HOPE Series Begins Sunday

Our new series on HOPE begins this weekend. This series will look at several matters relating to last things, and we want to extend an everlasting hope. Here is what we will teach over the next five weeks:

  • April 19-20: Hope for Heaven
  • April 27: Hope Through Judgment
  • May 4: Hope Over Hell
  • May 11: Hope for Restoration
  • May 18: Hope in the Second Coming of Jesus Christ

These five weeks will cover subjects that people want to know about, so please invite others weekly. Let’s pray for everlasting hope to be communicated and everlasting life experienced by many people.

Pray for our Prayer Gathering for Arkansas Pastors and all Ministers

On April 21-22, our entire Ministry Team will join me in Little Rock, Arkansas, as I lead a statewide prayer gathering for Arkansas Southern Baptist Pastors and all Ministers. Our prayer gathering is focused on praying for revival personally, revival in the church, and spiritual awakening in America. Please pray diligently and intentionally on Monday, April 21, from 6:00 – 10:00 p.m. and Tuesday, April 22, 8:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon.

Pray for Your Pastor

Friends, I need you with me in prayer, at this time, more than ever before. I have much upon me in these days and have been so blessed, but I need God’s overwhelming presence and leadership to do it all His way. Thanks for praying for me.

Yours for the Great Commission,

Ronnie W. Floyd