This Week and Beyond at Cross Church

Today I want to share several things about this week and beyond at Cross Church. Please take the time to read, participate with us, and pray for these things.

Sunday Morning Emphasis: Jesus in the Passover

If you are in Northwest Arkansas this Sunday, be sure to attend your Cross Church campus. It will be a powerful biblical experience as we study and learn about the Passover and how Jesus was the center of it.

Passion Week is Coming

7Words-twaccOn Sunday morning, April 13, we will not only worship and preach the Word, we will also celebrate Communion together. On this day, we will launch the beginning of Passion Week, preaching on 7: The Final Words of Jesus on the Cross. We will continue this series through the remainder of Passion Week, April 14-18, at our luncheons, from 11:50 a.m.- 12:50 p.m. at our Pinnacle Hills Campus. Tickets are just $6 per day, or you can purchase all five days for $25. Find out more and purchase tickets here.

On Friday night, April 18, we will gather at our Pinnacle Hills Campus at 7:00 pm for Reflections on the Death of Jesus Christ. I will speak, and we will experience worship with our combined choirs and the Northwest Arkansas Symphony.

Hope for Heaven is the Theme for Easter Weekend

HOPE-twaccCross Church will have 15 services Easter weekend across our five campuses. We will launch our Neosho campus on Easter Sunday morning. Pray for this launch!

Most importantly, each of us must now begin to pray for Easter weekend, and be ready to attend and bring others with us. Between Saturday night and Sunday morning, on our five campuses, 15 services will be offered. Find a service time at your campus that works for you.

Please understand the value of our theme on Easter weekend: HOPE FOR HEAVEN! This will be a huge opportunity for many to learn about last things and for some to come to faith in Jesus Christ. Pray, pray, and pray more for Easter weekend.

Be Faithful in Your Giving

For those of you who are faithful in giving whether you are here or not, thank you. The weather challenges of this winter have taught many of our people the value of implementing automated giving. You can learn more about it or sign up here.

Regardless of how you give, give faithfully. With whatever you have been entrusted by the Father, be faithful to Him. Thanks to each of you for what you give to this ministry.

Yours for the Great Commission,

Ronnie W. Floyd