Christmas Memories and Traditions | Ronnie Parrott

Ronnie-Parrott_thumb.jpgThis week on, Pastor and several Cross Church staff members are sharing their Christmas memories and traditions. Today, we hear from Ronnie Parrott, Pastor of Discipleship at the Fayetteville campus. You can read more from Pastor and other Cross Church staff members about their Christmas traditions at now thru December 24.

Ronnie Parrot, kid, Christmas blogChristmas was a special time in my home growing up. I grew up in Knoxville, TN in a little, two bedroom, 800 sq ft home. My mom’s motto was, “Love grows best in small homes.” My parents are big time givers. They love to bless people, especially their children. Each year they would emphasize three things during Christmas: 1) Celebrating Jesus Christ’s birth, 2) Cherishing Family, & 3) Giving to others.

It seems like each year my mom had a new idea for how to give to others. I remember one year, my mom had the idea to go buy 20 pairs of men’s socks and 20 hairbrushes to wrap up. We did as she wanted and as a family, we delivered them to a local nursing home. My brother and I went room to room with mom and dad and delivered the hairbrushes to the ladies and the socks to the men. It was a great teachable moment for my brother and me.

RonnieP1Now, as parents of soon to be five kids, Marci and I want to be very intentional about teaching our children the importance of those same three things. We have developed our own family traditions over the years. Each year, we go through an Advent calendar with our children, counting down the days until we celebrate our King’s birth. Also, with each new gift our children get, they have to pick one of their old toys to give away. We participate in an angel tree or blessing someone in need. These are just a few of the ideas we have come up with to intentionally teach our children.

Ronnie Parrott Family, Christmas pngAbove all, we want to teach and model for our kids what it means to be grateful for all that we have on earth, but more importantly eternally, in Christ Jesus. We want our children to understand what it means that Jesus was sent to earth to save God’s people from sin. Each year we pray and ask God to work in our children’s hearts to show them their need for a savior, and each year we want to model the gospel through all that we do. Without Jesus we have no hope. It’s with a grateful heart that we walk in this Christmas season and we want our children to do the same.

Thanks for loving our family, Cross Church!

Ronnie Parrott
Pastor of Discipleship, Fayetteville Campus