Four Lessons Every Pastor and Christ-Follower Needs to Know

Last week, I shared how the Lord spoke to me through Psalm 75:6-7 and how they became my life verses.

For promotion does not come from the east, north, or south; but God is the judge. He puts down one and sets up another. Psalm 75:6-7

Today, I want to share with you some lessons I have learned and am still learning from God as found in Psalm 75:6-7. These lessons are not only for pastors, but for all Christians.

  1. Get to know God and let Him promote you if He chooses to do so. When you knock on the Lord’s door in prayer consistently, He will open the doors He wants you to walk through in your life.
  2. God uses people, but God alone determines your future. The Lord moves His gospel and His people on the tracks of a relationship. Therefore, relationships are very important to your future. Yet, with a convincing conviction, I know fully: God alone determines your future! He knows your end from the beginning!
  3. Leadership is temporary and you are a steward over it. The Word declares in Psalm 75:6-7 that God puts down one man and sets up another. Yes, He puts them down, lays them aside; not as waste or clutter, but because He has something else for the man himself and for whomever He is leading. Therefore, for this season, you may have leadership, but it is temporary. While you have it, steward it well and unto the Lord.
  4. God raises people up to do a specific task for a specific time. As God sets one person aside from a task, He raises up another for a season of time. Yes, He raises a person up to do a specific task for a specific time. Task and time go together. When these are married, BOOM!  Oh yes, God may want you to do a specific task, and you are yearning and believing He does. Yet, at this time, He has not allowed you to do it. What could this mean? Timing is critical. Be patient. In His time, He will bring the task. If He desires it, no one can keep you from it. Then, there are times in life you may hit a sobering moment, realizing that God may not raise you up to do what you felt all along He would. Why does this happen? I cannot say. But I do know that He knows what is best for you. I have said this over and over again and believe it firmly: God knows what is best for me when I don’t know what is best for myself.

A Testimony to Share

In December 1980, I faced a massive challenge to these words. I had just graduated with my Master of Divinity degree from Southwestern Seminary. I was going in view of a call to a church in a fast-growing region in Texas. I was thrilled and fired up. The Sunday went splendid. In this little mission church, people were all over the altar getting saved, and joining the church.

When the Chairman called me a week later, I was ready to go. When his voice spoke words like these, I was devastated. “Ronnie, unknowing to me, our by-laws call for the Pastor to receive 95% of the vote. When the church voted this morning, you fell just short.” I was wrecked. I was devastated. Depressed. Completely hopeless.

How did I survive? The Holy Spirit awakened my heart and reminded me of Psalm 75:6-7. These words were the words and promise that got me through that moment of devastation.

Yes, God is so good, He knows what is best for us when we do not know what is best for ourselves. Within months, the Lord called me to another church, which He really used to launch me into a life and ministry far beyond what I could have ever dreamed.

Pastor, Jesus knows your email address and even your mobile number. Trust Him.

Yours for the Great Commission,

Ronnie W. Floyd

One comment on “Four Lessons Every Pastor and Christ-Follower Needs to Know

  1. Carey Tamplin says:

    I enjoyed the article very much. I found a book by Ronnie Floyd on my bookshelf and decided to read it tonight. It’s called The power of prayer and fasting. Looks like he wrote it in 1997. I’m looking for direction right now because, as eloquently put in this book, I feel as though I’m wallowing in mediocrity. I’m a forty-one year old wife and mother of two who has just spent the last 2yrs going back to college for a teaching degree. I was successful in getting another degree (the 1st one from a Bible College) yet unable to become employeed full time like so many others. I’m a little disallusioned at this point because I know God had led me thru this degree and the hard work it took. I’m beginning to think that there is no set place for me right now and I’m wondering why I’ve been shown so much and possess such a deep desire to do something worthwhile in my life if there are no real opportunities for me that really fit. I’ve tried fasting in the past but never made it past 3 days. I wld
    quickly lose focus. Wondering if trying a spiritual fast would help provide clarity to my questions right now. Guess I’m looking for advice or something. Thanks for the article. I was just turned down for a job I really
    wanted and would have solved so many issues…money, kids getting to school , insurance…but it isn’t to be. The
    article reminds me of how I need to trust God but I’m still having issues with waiting on God I guess.

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