This Week At Cross Church | A special anniversary, our Summer Freedom Celebration, and the Summer Program of Giving

Andy&BeckyFive years ago, the Lord brought a man to walk beside me who had been an active lay person in our church since my third Sunday here as Pastor. Andy and Becky Wilson joined our fellowship, and raised their daughter, Andrea, in our fellowship. In 2008, Andy came to Cross Church as our Executive Leader of Ministry and Operations after a historic 25-year career with Walmart Stores, Inc. His last 6 years at Walmart, he was the Vice President – People Division, Human Resources, for all domestic store operations. Following his early retirement from Walmart, Andy joined Don Soderquist and served as CEO of the Soderquist Center for Leadership & Ethics.

Andy has been a joy, an encouragement, a prayer warrior, a great brother in Christ to me, and I love he and Becky. Together they have been a wonderful encouragement to Jeana and me. On Sunday, we will thank them for their first five years with us. Please express your gratitude to God for them. In fact, email Andy a word right now:

This Sunday at Cross Church

I am eager to return to the pulpit this Sunday and share a message based upon the life of Peter. In Acts 12 we see how God used this ordinary man, Peter, to do some extraordinary things for the Kingdom. In Peter we see a man that ultimately became one of the most influential followers of Christ and faithful men in the entire New Testament church. So, join us Sunday morning as we continue our mini-series on iNFLUENCE.

Summer Freedom Celebration: Fear Not, America!

Be sure to join your Cross Church family and me on Sunday, June 30, for our annual Summer Freedom Celebration. We will honor America, the men and women who currently serve or have served our country, and celebrate the hope we have in Jesus Christ. For this special Sunday, the Cross Church Worship Ministry has prepared a collection of wonderful patriotic songs and Gospel-centered hymns. I am eager to share with you an important message, “Fear Not, America!,” which will, prayerfully, encourage us all to remember that we have hope for our world, our nation, our church, and our lives through Jesus Christ.

Also on Sunday, June 30, our 6th annual Fireworks at the Crosses event is taking place at our Pinnacle Hills location. Bring your family and friends to this evening of spectacular fun. We’ll have live music, outdoor baptisms, and an outstanding display of fireworks at sundown.

Invite, Invite, Invite

Our Sunday morning Summer Freedom Celebration and Sunday evening Fireworks at the Crosses events are ideal opportunities for you to extend an invitation to your friends and family to join you at church. In the next two weeks, please invite people to join you for these special events. People will come — therefore, invite, invite, and invite!

Summer Program of Giving Continues

I’ve already shared with you the importance of maintaining your tithe during the summer months. During the 15-weeks of summer, Cross Church has very specific ministries in the community, camps for students and children, and much more — each funded through our Summer Program of Giving. Our Summer Program of Giving goal is $4,665,000 — an amount that will ensure the financial operation of the campuses and ministries of Cross Church.

Remember that while you and much of the church family will travel at some point over the summer, the ministry of the church continues forward. This summer is a great time to activate automated giving, which is easy to set-up and maintain, or give online from wherever you are around the world.

Already this summer our church ministries have seen God move in mighty ways. I’ve heard phenomenal reports on our middle school camp in Oklahoma and VBX events at our Springdale and Fayetteville campuses. Our high school students head for summer camp next week and our Pinnacle Hills campus is preparing to host their VBX event in early July, let us all pray that these children and young men and women experience Christ while at these special events.

I trust that I will see you this Sunday.

Yours for the Great Commission,

Ronnie W. Floyd