Bible Studies for Life – Live Webcast Today, 4:45PM

bsfl-hero-logoFriends, this week I am in Houston, Texas, for the annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention, and today, Tuesday, June 11, at 4:45pm CST, Dr. Eric Geiger and I will be presenting Bible Studies for Life to the entire assembly, casting a vision for how this series can help churches who want to connect the unconnected, strengthen families, and disciple people with wisdom.  If you are at the annual meeting, I hope you will come to the assembly hall at 4:45pm on Tuesday and be a part of the presentation.  And while you are there, stop by the Bible Studies for Life booth in the Exhibit Hall and learn even more.

If you’re not joining us in Houston, you can still view the presentation online through the live stream of the SBC’s annual meeting.  You can find the link to the live stream here.  I hope you will join us today at 4:45pm CST and I hope Bible Studies for Life can be helpful in your church’s disciple-making ministry.