What Is The Vision For Your Life?

Ready to startMany years ago I articulated a vision statement for my life. I operated from that statement for several decades. It was passionate. It was clear. It was personal. In fact, it was mostly about focusing my gifts to the cause of winning the world to Christ. Vision was big. Heart was pure. Goal was not realistic.

Just over five years ago, I noticed that something was beginning to happen within me. In fact, and in reality, it probably began a decade ago. I began to realize that regardless of how hard I worked and how great my vision may be, only through God would the world be impacted for His Son Jesus Christ. Additionally, I began to realize that if this is were to ever be accomplished, it would take more than the ministry of one man to see it done.

Just Over Five Years Ago

Just over five years ago, God began to move me into a distinct clear direction; the ultimate goal was the same, but my role changed. During a season of fasting and prayer the Lord gave me a statement. I call it the missional vision for my life. My missional vision is:

         To influence and invest in others to win the world to Christ.

Once I changed my vision, God began to confirm it immediately. He has confirmed it both privately and publicly. Opportunities have opened up for me to operate by this missional vision that have shocked me. God is faithful!

Break It Down

Let’s take a moment to breakdown my personal missional statement. Notice:

*Vision: To win the world to Christ.

*Process: Influencing and investing in others.

*People: Involves my role of influencing and investing in other people who will be involved in this worthy vision, this, I believe, is the heart of God.

Therefore, my heart has always been to do what I could to win the world to Jesus Christ. My role is now is influencing and investing in others to see this vision is accomplished.

What I Have Seen

I have seen doors open to see this vision move toward fulfillment. God still uses me to make a difference personally, but He also uses me to influence others and invest in others to win the world to Christ. I have seen this begin to shape me:

*Personally: My greatest fulfillment comes from influencing others, organizations, ministries, churches, and denominations in this worthy endeavor.

*Generationally: Within our church, I have seen every generation affected by this shift in my missional vision. A cross-generational church is a great way to see vision fulfilled through our ministries.

*Denominationally: God has opened all kinds of doors, like preaching in all kinds of venues, and leading all kinds of efforts towards seeing this vision fulfilled. The joy of leading the Great Commission Resurgence for the Southern Baptist Convention was seeing God use influence and investment in others to impact the future of a denomination through the Great Commission.

What Is the Missional Vision For Your Life?

Begin to pray and ask God to show you what the missional vision needs to be for your life. Whether you are a Christian leader, a Pastor, a missionary, a business-person, or retired, God has a future for you. Therefore,

*Pray: Ask God to begin to show you what His vision is for your life.

*Formulate: Begin to attempt to formulate this vision that God puts in your heart.

*Insure: Try your best to insure your missional vision is . . .

*Concise: having few words, all in one sentence.

         *Clear: easy for you to see and others to see it also.

         *Concrete: you must be able to evaluate its effectiveness.

         *Compelling: it must light your jets! It must fire you up!

I will pray God gives you His will and absolute clarity of this for your life. Whatever it is and however it is fulfilled, let’s both insure, it is for ultimate eternal impact.

Yours For The Great Commission,

Ronnie Floyd

One comment on “What Is The Vision For Your Life?

  1. Shelly OBrien says:

    My vision is to dedicate my life 100% to God’s service to reach those that cannot see, that God may open their eyes.

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