This Week at Cross Church | Reconnect With Us This Sunday

Reconnect With Us This Sunday

I hope you will reconnect with Cross Church this week through the priority of public worship on the Lord’s Day. Reconnect relationally with a small group. We need one another, and that is one of the reasons being connected to a small group is important. Reconnect by serving weekly, seasonally, or at least annually. There is nothing like a local church, so reconnect with us this Sunday.

Love One Another

On Monday and Tuesday, we had 300 leaders with the National Day of Prayer here in Northwest Arkansas. They came from across America, including Hawaii and Alaska. On Tuesday morning, I released our 2019 theme for the National Day of Prayer on Thursday, May 2, 2019. You can watch or listen to this message here. You can download our main graphic here and share it with others on social media. You can also see the National Press Release here. Cross Church, mark your calendar now, key it into your phone: Thursday, May 2, 2019 …The 2019 National Day of Prayer.

Blessing Baskets

For 26 years, Cross Church has been distributing Blessing Baskets to families in need in our community. Our goal this year is to provide a holiday meal for 2,400 families. It may just be a bag of groceries, but it can mean so much more to a family who does not have the financial resources to have a holiday dinner. We are also able to share the love of Jesus, which has more value than anything else in this world.

Go here to sponsor a family or sign up to help with assembly and distribution.

3 Prayer Priorities for America This November

Our nation needs prayer. Our midterm elections need prayer. Our leaders need prayer. We have major issues facing our nation that we need to pray about continually. Will you join us in praying for America during the month of November? You can see our guide and download a printable version here. Thank you, Cross Church, for praying with us.

See You Sunday, Cross Church,

Ronnie W. Floyd