This 1-Year Ministry Residential Experience is One of the Best Investments Our Church Makes


In 2013, we began the Cross Church School of Ministry, a one-year ministry residential experience that prepares leaders for life, ministry, and gospel advancement globally. Can you imagine what it is like to receive thirty new Ministry Staff members in one day and then launch them out of your ministry one year later? This is what we do in the Cross Church School of Ministry. In fact, we believe our next class will be the largest yet, equipping and empowering an estimated fifty students.

By August 1 of this year, ninety-nine students will have graduated from the Cross Church School of Ministry in our first five years. Most have launched into furthering their educational degrees, mostly at the masters or doctoral levels, others launched into full-time ministry, and fourteen of our own Ministry Staff members have graduated from the School of Ministry.

We Complement

The purpose of the School of Ministry is not to replace what our universities and seminaries do by way of theological education, but to complement them. The School of Ministry will provide a unique opportunity for any young man or woman called to ministry and Kingdom service to gain practical ministry experience in the Cross Church setting.

Students can come to the School of Ministry any time during or following their college or seminary career. They will receive classroom, mentorship, and hands-on experiences to prepare them as leaders for life, ministry, and Gospel advancement globally.

We give each student full-time local church experience, something they cannot get from an academic setting. School of Ministry graduates will understand local church ministry, and it will alter the way they live, lead, and extend the Gospel throughout their lifetime.

We Prepare

We prepare God-called leaders.

We prepare them for life. Our students are prepared for all of life, not just life in the church. We prepare them for marriage and family, even though a few are married already. We prepare them with life principles from relationships to finances, to health and wellness.

We prepare them for ministry. As students choose their one-year ministry track from one of the many we offer, they are under the mentorship of one or more of our pastors in this area of ministry. As well, they are permitted, encouraged, and expected to lead. The mentor and his ministry become their safety net so they will not fail, but learn and grow continually.

We prepare them for gospel advancement globally. We pour into these students the mission of our church and the Great Commission of our Lord. We want them to impact their region, their nation, and their world for Jesus Christ. Local ministry is part of our weekly activities. National ministry is accomplished when our students are sent on two mission trip experiences in the United States. One of our national trips usually includes the Washington, DC, region for our students to be reminded of the history of our nation. The students also participate in at least one international trip during the year. This gives them the opportunity to minister, evangelize, and learn about our international work through the Southern Baptist Convention.

We want our graduates consumed with Acts 1:8 and Matthew 28:19-20.

We Educate

The most unique commitment we have established from day one is to provide students the privilege to earn hours of credit at the bachelors and masters levels. We have too many partnerships with academic institutions to list here, but some of these institutions are now granting as many as ­­­­­30 hours of credit for the one-year tenure here. Additionally, a few of our students choose to take online classes.

Here is the joy: Students do not have to lose a year of education by coming here, but in fact strengthen their future resume while gaining college or seminary credit. As well, they earn one year of full-time ministry experience from our church by the time they graduate. That is why many of our students go from here to full-time ministry.

We Launch

With one year of full-time ministry experience, we launch these graduates to complete their education, enter full-time local church ministry, or even go to the mission field.

Developing and launching God-called leaders is what we do at Cross Church through our School of Ministry. 

Connect with Us Now

If you or someone you know has an interest in learning more about the Cross Church School of Ministry, please email our President, Dr. Ed Upton, at It is NOT too late to join us as we begin our next cohort in August.

Now is the Time to Lead,

Ronnie W. Floyd