National Day of Prayer Digital Equipping Releases Today: Informing, Instructing, and Inspiring You

NDP Equip-blogDIGITAL EQUIPPING releases today on the website. NDP EQUIPPING releases a total of twenty-nine videos that will inform you, instruct you, and inspire you.  

With thousands of volunteers located across the country, this NDP EQUIPPING is long overdue. The all-stars in this ministry are the thousands of volunteers who network with us to mobilize unified public prayer for America on the National Day of Prayer. Now we can better prepare our volunteers who give their time and passion to this great cause for America and the Lord.

It is perfect timing for this ministry offering, as we are within four months of our 2018 National Day of Prayer on May 3. At whatever level you serve with us, this will help you. If you want to create a prayer observance in your town or city, this training will tell you how.

NDP Equipping Will Inform, Instruct, and Inspire

Let me explain how these videos will work.

  • INFORM: Some videos will simply share matters of information you need to know in your role as a volunteer for the National Day of Prayer.
  • INSTRUCT: Our digital equipping has this overall purpose in mind. We want you to know how to do what we are asking of you as a volunteer for the National Day of Prayer.
  • INSPIRE: While we believe each of these will have moments of inspiration, some sessions are just intended to encourage you in your prayer life or inspire you by hearing the way others have been blessed by serving as a volunteer for the National Day of Prayer.

The majority of these equipping sessions are timeless. They will always have relevance to the ministry of prayer, equipping you to lead or assist leading a national observance.

Additional videos will be released to add to our equipping catalog.

If people are not inspired to pray, they will not pray. If they are not equipped to pray and to lead others to pray, they will not pray or lead others to pray.

The videos releasing today are 5-15 minutes in length. In the future, others may be longer.

Title List of our Initial NDP Equipping Videos

Below is a list of and link to each of the videos releasing today. The titles will give you a great idea of what we will be offering through NDP EQUIPPING.

Inform & Instruct

Who We Are – Dr. Ronnie Floyd, President, National Day of Prayer

What is Prayer? – Dr. Ronnie Floyd, President, National Day of Prayer

Our Theme: Unity – Dr. Ronnie Floyd, President, National Day of Prayer

Join With Us – Dr. Ronnie Floyd, President, National Day of Prayer

Our Missional Vision – Dr. Ronnie Floyd, President, National Day of Prayer

Our Multi-Vision – Dr. Ronnie Floyd, President, National Day of Prayer

Call to Churches – Dr. Ronnie Floyd, President, National Day of Prayer

Pray for Spiritual Awakening – Dr. Ronnie Floyd, President, National Day of Prayer

Get Involved – Dr. Ronnie Floyd, President, National Day of Prayer

Planning Your National Day of Prayer Event – Dr. Ronnie Floyd, President, National Day of Prayer

Involving State/Local Leaders – Gina Gibson, Mountain States National Area Leader

Maximizing State Involvement – Sue Stoltz, Midwest States National Area Leader

How to Promote My Event – Dion Elmore, Vice President of Marketing & Public Relations, National Day of Prayer

Marketing/Public Relations – Dion Elmore, Vice President of Marketing & Public Relations, National Day of Prayer

My Calling – Dr. Ronnie Floyd, President, National Day of Prayer

A Conversation with Lisa Crump – Lisa Crump, Vice President of Volunteer Mobilization & Liaison Prayer Ministries, National Day of Prayer

How You Can Support – Dr. Ronnie Floyd, President, National Day of Prayer

How God Has Used Prayer in My Life – Dr. Ronnie Floyd, President, National Day of Prayer

Vision for Unity – Dr. Ronnie Floyd, President, National Day of Prayer


Dave Butts – Chairman of the Board, National Day of Prayer

Dave Butts – Chairman of the Board, National Day of Prayer

Barbara Ingmire – West States National Area Leader

Stan & Gina Gibson – Mountain States National Area Leaders

Gary & Barb Hibma – North Central States National Area Leaders

Sue Stoltz -Midwest States National Area Leader

Rick & Sarah Lowe – South Central States National Area Leaders

Mary Bruce – Northeast States National Area Leader

Nancy Sharman – East States National Area Leader

Willie & Gwen Bradley – Southeast States National Area Leaders

State, County, City, and National Leaders, You Have Assistance Like Never Before

If you are a state, county, city, or national leader for the National Day of Prayer, you now have assistance to enlist and equip new volunteers like never before. People will not engage if they are not informed and equipped.

We must enlist, equip, and empower more people to assist and lead prayer observances on the National Day of Prayer. I promise you, NDP EQUIPPING will help you to do a better job in your role. You will have links to send to volunteers and a place on our website where they can learn. Your ability to begin new observances and support present observances has just multiplied!

Please spend time with these videos yourself, and send them to all of your volunteers in your state, county, city, and region.

1,000 Thank Yous

1,000 thank yous to our Cross Church Media Team, who produced and released our NDP EQUIPPING sessions today. Our appreciation at the National Day of Prayer Task Force is great. Thank you for your investment in this national ministry!

Now is the Time to Lead and to Pray,

Ronnie W. Floyd
Senior Pastor, Cross Church
President, National Day of Prayer


Dr. Ronnie Floyd is the Senior Pastor of Cross Church, President of the National Day of Prayer, founder of the Cross Church School of Ministry, and host of the Ronnie Floyd on Life and Leadership Today podcast.

To request an interview with Dr. Ronnie Floyd
contact Gayla Oldham at (479) 751-4523 or email

Visit our website at
Follow Dr. Floyd on Twitter and Instagram @ronniefloyd