National Day of Prayer 2017 Impact Report

BlogImage (1)I want to do everything I can to help you understand the impact and potential impact of the National Day of Prayer. As we are tasked with mobilizing unified public prayer for America, I want you to see what God has done and imagine with me what He could do if we mobilized millions more in prayer. Please take time to read and share this letter we sent out last week to the National Day of Prayer email subscribers. If you would like to subscribe to emails like these from the National Day of Prayer, you can do so here.

Dear Prayer Partners,

America needs to pray. Prayer brings people together. Prayer builds bridges between opposing persons and even political parties. Prayer reminds us that we are created in God’s image and He desires for us to represent Him everywhere we go. Prayer should always be our first choice, not our last choice. In times like we are in now, our eyes need to be on the Lord alone. Movements of prayer can impact culture.

There is no great movement of God that has ever occurred that does not begin with the extraordinary prayer of God’s people. The time is now for us to come together before God in clear agreement, visible union, and extraordinary prayer for the next great move of God, which will catapult us into reaching the world with the life-changing message of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I believe that unified prevailing prayer will lead to these results.

As you reflect with us over this past year and read through the 2017 Impact Report, I hope you will join us in thanking God for His powerful work through this ministry. In addition, I also hope that you will purpose to join us as we mobilize unified public prayer for America in 2018 by advancing the call to unity in our nation. We need your support to advance this timely message of unity across our land by joining us in prayer, by mobilizing prayer in your community, and by giving a financial gift — we need your partnership in every way.

The National Day of Prayer in America is needed now more than ever before in our history.

Now is the Time to Lead and to Pray,

Ronnie W. Floyd
Senior Pastor, Cross Church
President, National Day of Prayer


Dr. Ronnie Floyd is the Senior Pastor of Cross Church, President of the National Day of Prayer, founder of the Cross Church School of Ministry, and host of the Ronnie Floyd on Life and Leadership Today podcast.

To request an interview with Dr. Ronnie Floyd
contact Gayla Oldham at (479) 751-4523 or email

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