This Week at Cross Church | Big Day is Coming

Big Day is November 5 at Cross Church

Big plans are being made for Sunday, November 5 on each campus of Cross Church. Plan NOW to be here. SAVE the date for Sunday, November 5, and prepare to be in worship and a small group on this Sunday from the youngest preschooler to the oldest adult. It is our goal to have all members present or accounted for. Therefore, plan to be here and bring someone with you to Cross Church on November 5.

“Home for the Holidays” Series Begins November 5

Home For The Holidays-twacc

A special sermon series on the family begins on Sunday, November 5, and takes us through most of December. It is going to be meaningful, personal, and we believe very helpful for each of us. Don’t miss the start of this series on November 5.

Blessing Always Follows Faithfulness

Whenever we are found faithful in our service and in our giving, God will always follow this up with blessing. Faithfulness in the smallest of things to the greatest of things reaps the blessings of God. Will you be faithful? Blessing always follows faithfulness.

  • Be faithful to serve, discover your gifts and serve the Lord with gladness
  • Be faithful to give, from the first tenth of all God gives you, even moving into the lane of generosity

Be faithful to serve and be faithful to give weekly. You cannot and will never be able to out give or out serve God in your life.

Special One-on-One Podcast Released This Week


This past Tuesday, I released a special podcast from my heart to yours. I did a one-on-one with my listeners. You might find it interesting and intriguing. It is one that really needs to be passed on to your Christian friends globally. You can listen here.

See You Sunday,

Ronnie W. Floyd