4 Reasons I Believe in Pastors

Pastor-blogI believe in pastors of local churches. I’d like to share four reasons why I believe in pastors.

1. Pastors are called of God.

Pastors of local churches are not any more perfect than anyone else. Yet, they are called of God to lead the church, equip the people to do ministry, and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ.

2. Pastors are accountable.

Pastors have enormous accountability. Pastors are often accused of limited accountability, but pastors are accountable in the highest way. Pastors are accountable to God and they are also accountable to the local church they serve. Regardless of the size of community or the city they serve, pastors are even accountable to the public.

3. Pastors are difference-makers.

As the pastor goes, so goes the local church. Pastors have a unique opportunity to set the thermostat of the entire church. When a pastor leads effectively, he can be a true difference-maker. God can use pastors to be an impact player that can positively shift the entire direction of the church.

4. Pastors are overcomers.

Pastors face the attacks of Satan continually. Additionally, pastors encounter the attacks of some of their own church members. Sadly, pastors face attacks from other pastors. Yet, if pastors are going to do anything with their lives and through their ministries, they have to be overcomers. Most pastors I know are overcomers.

If you are a pastor, walk humbly before God. We are all just one step away from disaster. Therefore, as you walk humbly before God, walk in His power and seek the prayers of God’s people.

Now is the Time to Lead,

Dr. Ronnie W. Floyd