This Week at Cross Church | Pray for Student Camp

Pray for Student Camp

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Over 800 of our students will depart for Student Camp on Sunday evening. We need to pray for their travel safety, salvation for those who need Jesus, and growth in the Lord for those who know him personally. This is a powerful week, and one that can result in changed lives. Through what many of these students experience with the Lord in salvation or growth, the trajectory of their lives will change.

Looking Toward Sunday Morning, July 2: America, Come Together

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With the sad and tragic events of the recent shooting in Washington, DC that targeted those who serve our nation, the theme we considered our #1 need in America is right on: America, Come Together! Each campus will have a fantastic time of celebration on Sunday morning, July 2, and our preaching pastors will be faithful to deliver a special word just for this morning. The entire morning will call out, America, Come Together! We must do this! Please bring friends and family members to Sunday morning, July 2 for this patriotic and powerful service that will be built upon a strong word from the Lord.

Plan Now to Experience Fireworks at the Crosses on Sunday Evening, July 2


After experiencing a dynamic Sunday morning on July 2, we will look toward the late afternoon and evening for our annual Fireworks at the Crosses. Music will begin at 5:00 p.m. and the crowd will begin to gather. Usually the first couple of hours are a time of fellowship with friends, looking toward the rest of the evening. At approximately 7:45 p.m., I will baptize at the crosses in our outdoor baptistry. Being baptized under the crosses is a great memory for anyone who follows the Lord in baptism on this day. If you are awaiting baptism and want me to baptize you on July 2 at the crosses, you can sign up here. I look forward to this time of baptism every year, and enjoy all of our Cross Church campuses celebrating baptism together. Do not miss it. Then, just before dusk, all shifts to a strong patriotic moment. We will honor of our veterans, say the Pledge of Allegiance, sing the Star Spangled Banner, and within just minutes as dark comes, the fireworks begin. Bring friends, family members, a picnic, or purchase food on site. Usually, we have no less than 10,000 people for this fabulous gathering.

Please Join Us for Sunday Morning, June 25, and Our “Did God Really Say” Series

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Right now, plan to be part of our continuing series from the book of Genesis entitled Did God Really Say. Our message this week is entitled, Did God Really Say That Human Diversity is a Part of His Pivotal Plan?, and you will not want to miss it. This will be our 6th message in this series. On July 2, we will step out of our Did God Really Say series for our patriotic celebration, and on July 9, continue with this series on Genesis until its completion in August. I am looking forward to it.

I Love You, Cross Church 

Cross Church, I wish I had the privilege to sit down across from each of you and tell you, “I love you.” You are a special people of God. His hand is upon you. Great things are happening. I cannot wait to share some of them with you.

See you Sunday, 

Ronnie W. Floyd