This Week at Cross Church | A Day of Influence and More

October 23: A Day of Influence at Cross Church

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I love the theme for our big day on October 23. It will be a DAY OF INFLUENCE! Just think of the influence God has entrusted you with one person or many. Focus the rest of this week on how you can engage them at Cross Church this Sunday. Think about how you could influence all the members of your Small Group or other ministry to join you on this day as we stand tall for the Lord, using our influence for the gospel of Jesus Christ. Let’s make October 23 a huge day for the glory of God on each campus.

God is at Work at our Fayetteville East Campus

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Our Fayetteville East campus is demonstrating strength in these days under Dave Kinney’s leadership. In the past several months, some of our Cross Church Fayetteville campus members have moved to our Fayetteville East campus to help ease overcrowding at our campus on Wedington. Last Sunday Fayetteville East had 170 people present, baptizing 3 people to the glory of God. What began with a few has grown and continues to do so. This is a video venue preaching site, where Nick Floyd’s sermons are streamed weekly. God is at work! We are grateful for all who attend this campus and to Dave and Emily Kinney for leading and loving the people there.

This week, bulldozers began moving dirt and we are preparing for our new Fayetteville campus on the southeast corner of I-49 and Wedington in Fayetteville. We look forward to utilizing this campus to further impact the city of Fayetteville and Northwest Arkansas.

Great News and Great Leadership for Cross Church Neosho



Just over eighteen months ago, Dr. Ed Upton and his wife Eleanor were called to lead our Neosho, Missouri campus. Quite honestly, we were not sure where this was going, but with a deep conviction, Ed Upton believed God was calling them to live in Neosho in this season and lead this campus as Campus Pastor. We were thrilled with his convictional calling. What God has done in this small town in the past eighteen months is amazing. Since the last of August, we have been averaging over 160 people weekly. And since this time, we have baptized 15 people to God’s glory. The people are also beginning to give and support the ministry financially. Thank you, Ed and Eleanor Upton, for your outstanding leadership in Neosho. We are grateful to God for all who attend this thriving, growing work.

Cross Church Has Been Blessed Because of the Long-Term Faithfulness of So Many of Our People

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This past Sunday, our message was about long-term faithfulness to God. Oh, how my heart was moved all week as I thought of so many of our people who have been faithful to God all of these years. This is why God has blessed Cross Church for so many years. Beginning in 1870 and now standing strong in its 146th year to the glory of God, I believe Cross Church has one of the most promising futures of any church in America. God is bringing the world to Northwest Arkansas and there has never been a greater time in our history than now for engagement, ministry, growth, and future. May the legacy extended to us all of these years now become the launching pad for the God-sized future the Lord has for us.

Will You Let Today Become Your Spiritual Birthday?

This past Sunday, I made a statement that I hope will motivate some of you to join me in God’s forever family of faith. It is witnessed in the graphic below, so be blessed and if you have not already, consider joining me in declaring Jesus as Lord and Savior.

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Now is the Time to Lead,

Ronnie W. Floyd