This Week at Cross Church | This Summer at Cross Church

We Want to Hear from You You Asked For It-blog

We need your input about our upcoming summer series, You Asked for It. We want to know what biblical questions you would like us to answer during our summer sermon series. Please send your questions to us by texting 479-684-6228, emailing, or visiting Our Teaching Team will evaluate and creatively answer many of your questions. We want to hear from you!

We Desire Our Church to Operate at an Optimum Level

We want our church to operate at an optimum level for the entire summer from Memorial Day through Labor Day. This is always an enormous challenge due to the inconsistency of attendance in the summer. The key to operating at the highest level is seeing the ministry funded above and beyond, even though your physical presence may be elsewhere. While our summer goal is $5.4 million for these fifteen weeks, it comes down to each of us making a decision weekly: Being faithful to honor God in our financial giving even through these summer weeks. Please take action to do so. Our church and the campus you attend weekly is counting on you.

Begin to Pray Daily for Our Upcoming Southern Baptist Convention in St. Louis SBC 2016-Blog

I really need you to pray for me during these days. I am facing a convergence of so many things across our convention and in our church. The responsibilities are great and inescapable. I need prayer as I am preparing my upcoming Presidential Address to Southern Baptists. We are in unique days all across the country and world. It is important for me to communicate clearly the Word of our Lord in the power of the Holy Spirit. Our own Cross Church singers, choir, and band are also preparing to lead our entire convention in worship. Please pray the Lord will use them to lead us to the throne in worship. Thank you for your prayers.

ALL IN This Summer at Cross Church All In-blog

Nothing is more important this summer than each Sunday at Cross Church. Upon this foundation, we move toward our incredible Summer Freedom Sunday on July 3, concluding with Fireworks at the Crosses. Our guest speaker will be my friend, Tony Perkins, President of the Family Research Council in Washington, DC. You will love hearing from him. Tony is a faithful, strong conservative faith and family leader in our nation. He is interviewed often on television, and his radio show, Washington Watch with Tony Perkins, broadcasts daily from Washington, DC.

Additionally, beginning in June, we have Kids Camp and Beach Camp, and then in July, Middle School Camp and VBX. Begin planning now to join us and consider finding a place to volunteer and participate!

See you Sunday!

Ronnie W. Floyd