This Week at Cross Church | Passion Week Begins Sunday With the Lord’s Supper

LordsSupperThis Sunday, as part of our worship to the Lord, teaching God’s Word, and praying together, we will also participate in the Lord’s Supper, one of the dynamic ordinances in our church. On our website, you can discover what we believe and practice about what some call communion. Historically, we call it the Lord’s Supper. Please prepare your heart spiritually for this experience and let’s join together in unity, making this first day of our Passion Week meaningful.

Passion Week is Different This Year Easter Community-blog

For the past three years, we have hosted daily luncheons where we taught about Passion Week, the last week of Jesus’ life, culminating with a Friday evening experience with the Cross Church Choir and Northwest Arkansas Symphony. Due to Passion Week in 2016 being spring break for our local schools and universities, we altered our plans this year. Our Easter in the Community events will still occur, but the luncheons and Friday night experience will not. If you would like more information on Easter in the Community, contact Clint Smith at

We Will Offer 16 Services on Our 5 Campuses on Easter Weekend Easter-blogPlease help us get the word out about our 16 services on Easter weekend. I want to encourage you to attend your normal campus. As you move forward with making this a special weekend in your life and family, make it special for others also. Invite them to one of our services. The locations and times are listed here.

Let Our Church be Their Church This Easter Weekend 

Our communications team has done an excellent job producing these commercials for television and social media, as well as graphics and e-vites. Help us share them on social media and by sending a link through text message or email. It takes all of us inviting and bringing guests to make Easter a powerful day at Cross Church and in the lives of people.

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Be Faithful in Your Financial Support During This Month

If you are away for spring break or even Easter, be sure to remain faithful in giving to our Cross Church Family. Our ministry runs at an optimal level whether we are here personally or not. This is why I am such a firm believer in recurring giving. Whether one is present or not, regular giving still occurs. Join us in this method of giving, give a one-time gift online, or make up missed giving before or after your trip. We believe in what God is doing at Cross Church and it takes all of us walking in obedience to the Lord’s Word to see it done. Blessings to you as you give.

Now is the Time to Lead,

Ronnie W. Floyd