This Week at Cross Church | Summer at Cross Church
$6 Million Budget Goal for Summer
From Sunday, May 27, through Sunday, September 2, our 15-week summer budget goal is $6 million. This includes up to $200,000 in scholarships for all camps. Our individual focus needs to be kept on:
- Personal weekly giving, regardless of vacations or travel this summer
- Honoring God with the first tenth and more of all He gives to us weekly
If each of us will do these two things, with the thousands that attend and connect with us weekly at Cross Church, we will more than reach this $6 million goal. It comes down to our own personal stewardship before the Lord weekly. Outrageous generosity is our goal!
Jeana and I, along with hundreds of other church members, give weekly through recurring giving. You can adjust it anytime you desire, and it simplifies your life, especially in the summer. You can learn about it here.
Two-Hour, Full HD Version of the National Observance of the National Day of Prayer
This week, we released the full two-hour HD version of the National Observance of the National Day of Prayer. As I led this dynamic gathering, we heard outstanding biblical teachers and communicators like Priscilla Shirer, Sammy Rodriguez, and H. B. Charles Jr. We also heard powerful worship songs led by the Brooklyn Tabernacle Singers, engaging, interactive prayer times and powerful, individual prayers led by Bishop Harry Jackson and Negeil Bigpond. This will encourage you, your Bible Study, small group, friends, and families. Please watch and share it with friends and family all over the world. You can read some of my own reflections here.
It was a Special Mother’s Day at Cross Church
Sunday was a special day at Cross Church—Mother’s Day! Here are a few pictures of some of our moms from all of our campuses:
Sign Up Your Children for One of Our Summer Camps and VBX
Summer is just around the corner, and that means our Kidz Camp, Student Camps, and VBX are not far away. Do not miss these opportunities for your students. Go to the camps page to sign up for all camps, and sign up here for VBX on your campus.
- June 11-14– Kidz Camp: Camp Siloam, Siloam Springs, Arkansas. For children who have completed grades 2-5
- June 24-29– Beach Camp: Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. For students who have completed grades 8–12
- July 9-12– Middle School Camp: Sky Ranch, Oklahoma. For students who have completed grades 6-7
- July 9-12 – VBX 2018 – grades K-5
See You Sunday,
Ronnie W. Floyd
Watch the Entire National Observance of the National Day of Prayer
If you missed the National Observance of the National Day of Prayer on May 3, 2018, or would like to see it again, you can watch it here. You will hear from the Brooklyn Tabernacle Singers, along with fabulous, biblical challenges from Priscilla Shirer, Sammy Rodriguez, and H. B. Charles Jr., and Congressman Mark Walker. Pastor Frank and Sheri Pomeroy, pastor and wife of First Baptist Church Southerland Springs, Texas, talk about the loss of their daughter and twenty-five other church members in the horrific shooting this past year. This is two hours you do not want to miss.
You will witness and can even participate where you are in phenomenal, engaging prayers with some great followers of Jesus from all walks of life. You can learn how to lead large or small groups in a prayer experience by using this gathering as an example. This video is also a tool for you to use in your church by showing some or all of it to your congregation. Share it and encourage others through it.