This Week at Cross Church: Historic Sunday will Occur on October 13
Sunday, October 13, will be a historic day at Cross Church. Our worship services at all our campuses will be very unique. What we have planned has never been done before in the history of Cross Church. Whether we win or lose to South Carolina on Saturday, whether you are tired or feeling good on Sunday, I want to challenge you not to miss this coming Sunday. History will be made at Cross Church.
Pray for Sunday! Yes, set aside some moments to pray for Sunday specifically. Pray for yourself. Pray for others. Pray for our church. Pray for us as leaders. Come ready to deal with God and let God deal with you. While it is historic from our perspective because we have never done it before, may God make it historic because He moves in an unprecedented way among us.
“I’ll Be 1” on November 3
Dear friend, join us on November 3 and say, “I’ll Be 1”! Sign up today to join us on November 3. What is “I’ll Be 1” about?
- Following Scriptural precedence for God’s people to be in one place, on one day, with one heart.
- The leaders wrote all of the people, asking them to join them on one day, at one place, to see what God would do among them.
- Therefore, it is about each of us committing to “I’ll Be 1”…
- 1 Day: Sunday, November 3
- 1 Place: Cross Church Campus you attend
- 1 Heart: Willingness to obey God
Let me say it this way: I challenge you and dare all of us, let’s just come to church on one day, November 3, at one place, at Cross Church (the campus you attend regularly), with one heart, and be willing for God to do with us whatever He wants to do!
You can sign up your entire family with this link. Everywhere you go, sign up people to commit to be with you: people of faith and people without faith, members and non-members, people from all walks of life! Extend the invitation everywhere you go and ask people to sign up. I cannot wait to see what God does among us!
Cross Church Ministry Budget Begins
On October 1, 2013, our new ministry budget began. We are trusting God and His people to give $16,780,000 over these fifty-two weeks. It all comes down to one thing: Each of us honoring the Lord with at least the first one-tenth God has entrusted to us! Please know you can always give in these five different ways.
Thankful For Ben Mayes and Buster Pray
Last Sunday at our Springdale Campus, we celebrated 15 years of ministry with Ben and Sue Mayes. We love this family! Our hearts are overwhelmed with their sacrificial service to this ministry.
This coming Sunday, we celebrate at our Pinnacle Hills Campus, 20 years of ministry with Buster and Martha Pray. Yes, they had a brief few years away from us, but for twenty years of their professional ministry, they have served Cross Church. We are so grateful to God for their incredible service to this ministry.
We love these families. These two men are great men of God. They are great leaders for God. They are great friends to this Pastor. How grateful and blessed we are to have one man who has been with us 15 years and another one for 20 years! Why? There is no place like Cross Church! Let the Prays and Mayes know you love them and thank God for them. Bless them. Encourage them.
Yours for the Great Commission,
Ronnie W. Floyd
3 Big Lessons in 27 Years
Twenty-seven years ago this month, I left my home state of Texas to follow God’s call to become the Senior Pastor of the First Baptist Church of Springdale, Arkansas. When we launched our third campus almost three years ago, our named changed to Cross Church. When the last week of October comes, I will have served here for twenty-seven years.
As the Pastor of this changing and growing church, what are some of the biggest lessons I have learned through the years?
Lesson #1: Personal spiritual growth is the key to growing as a leader
I have been committed to my personal spiritual growth for most of my days on this earth. My daily time with God is comprised of praying, Bible reading, and journaling. I take each of these seriously, rising early each morning to spend my mornings with God.
This personal priority each day has kept me in a growth posture as a leader.
It keeps me humbled by the Word of God and His presence; submissive and teachable; and continually aware of my deep need for God’s presence and power in my life and ministry. Personal spiritual growth is the key to growing as a leader.
Spiritual growth in my life as a leader has kept me from chasing the wrong things, always keeping the gospel central in my life. It has called me up continually, refusing to let me keep any record of wrongs. It has given me a deep love for all people, never letting anyone outside of my circle of love.
Lesson #2: Investing in others produces long-term results
As a pastor of the same church for twenty-seven years, I could easily write about how investing in laypeople has paid huge dividends for the ministry of the church. Since today is written for pastors specifically, I want to share how investing in younger ministers produces long-term results.
I have no idea how many people from our church have surrendered their lives to gospel ministry over these past twenty-seven years, plus the many very young ministers who have come here as interns from across the world. Combining all of them into this pool of people we have invested in has been one of the best uses of my time through the years.
Any time I can invest in one of our younger pastors on our team, I do it. Recently, I began a monthly mentoring time with about forty of our young team members who serve on our Ministry Team or as interns on our staff. This is a rich time for me personally. As I pour into them, I know it produces long-term results. Additionally, God gave me a vision less than a year ago to begin our Cross Church School of Ministry. Our first class of eleven students has been meeting for two months now in this one-year residency ministry school. The long-term results of this will be huge! I cannot wait to see what God does with these people. Additionally, just this past summer, we poured into twenty-five interns from across America.
As I think back, over these years of pouring into people, I think of what God has done even in very recent days:
Chris Johnson, soon to receive his PhD from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, walked into my office his final two years of high school, telling me God had called him into ministry. We helped him connect at Liberty University for his initial work and then assisted him in getting into Southwestern Seminary, where he even worked for the President, Dr. Paige Patterson. Prior to this, Chris worked with me for two summers. Recently, I had the joy of recommending Chris to another church. They called him as their pastor. Therefore, today, this young man I have poured into, is now the Senior Pastor of the First Baptist Church in Van Buren, Arkansas.
Dr. Brad Jurkovich walked into my office his freshman year, acting like he owned the world, completely unintimidated by me in every way. I loved hanging with this guy and spent much time with him. Jeana and I introduced him to his wife, Stephanie. We helped him get into Southeastern College, coaching him then to get his masters from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, and then on to getting his doctorate from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Just recently, I recommended to Dr. Fred Lowery and the Search Committee, that Brad Jurkovich follow Dr. Lowery as Senior Pastor. After much discussion and prayer, Dr. Brad Jurkovich became the Senior Pastor of the First Baptist Church of Bossier City, Louisiana.
Yes, all those times of hanging out, taking these guys with me along the way, and pouring into them, is now producing major results. The stories could go on and on with others. Without any question at all, investing in others produces long-term results.
Lesson #3: We can do more together than we can ever do on our own
Quite honestly, I was a little slower learning this important lesson. I always loved other leaders and ministries, and was especially fond of the grand ministries in my beloved denomination called the Southern Baptist Convention. However, I was a part of the generation of pastors who loved their independence and their ability to have an entrepreneur spirit.
Yet, over the last two decades, there has been a growing conviction within me, now being demonstrated through me, how we can do more together than we can ever do on our own. I could share with you easily things I am involved in today that would illustrate this growing conviction in my life. Rather than do that, let me just ask you to learn from my experience and take my word for it.
Cross Church today is doing things way beyond my imagination even a decade ago, all because of understanding the value of gospel partnerships. We have learned and are learning more and more: We can do more together than we can ever do on our own. If I had not grown in my leadership in this area over the last two decades, our church’s ministry and my personal pastoral ministry would be much more limited today.
Thank God for gospel partnerships! We need one another. We can do more together than we can ever do on our own. Today, powerful, exciting, life-changing things are occurring around the world that we are connected to all because of one thing: our partnership in ministry that we share with others, mainly our partnership with our convention of churches known as the Southern Baptist Convention.
A few final words
There is no way I can say these are the three biggest lessons I have learned here as a leader over the past twenty-seven years. Yet, I can say they are three big lessons! What I do know is that I have so much more to learn. I am so glad I love to learn!
Yours for the Great Commission,
Ronnie W. Floyd