This Week at Cross Church | We Are Moving Forward

We are moving forward at Cross Church. From the blessing of this past weekend on I Love My Church Day, we launch toward our incredible future together. I want to list several ways we are launching forward together:

1. Our Men’s Conference is going to be epic!

MightyMen-BlogOur Northwest Arkansas Men’s conference gets better every year. Our speakers will be tremendous and all generations will love them. You will hear:

JDGreear-blogJ. D. Greear, The Summit Church, Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina




SteveGaines-blogSteve Gaines, Bellevue Baptist Church, Cordova, Tennessee




JimmyScroggins-blogJimmy Scroggins, Family Church, West Palm Beach, Florida




These are great men of God who will share a special message. The dates are Friday night, March 6, and Saturday morning, March 7. You can find more details and sign up here.

2. Praying for you in the Garden of Gethsemane

When Jeana and I are in Israel, we would love to pray for a special need you may have personally, in your family, your business, or your future. If you have this desire, you may send that need to us at It must be specific, and limited to two sentences. Our time in the Garden of Gethsemane is brief, but last time we took the time to pray for a few hundred people and their specific need by name.

3. Easter is April 5, only six weeks away from this Sunday

Easter weekend is pivotal in reaching out to all of Northwest Arkansas. Begin to ask God now whom you can bring to one of our worship services on Easter Weekend. Easter Weekend, we will have services on Saturday and Sunday.

We will build toward Easter beginning with Passion Sunday, and Passion Week will precede the glorious celebration on Easter Weekend. Also included in Passion Week will be our incredible Friday night gathering that wraps up all teaching and worship prior to celebrating Easter weekend.

4. Next Sunday may change your life

This is a little bold, but next Sunday will be an incredible gathering of God’s people. Hundreds of our people will have fasted and prayed the previous seven days, and our focus on the Lord will be special. We will also celebrate communion.

This could be the day when God brings breakthrough in your life, our church, and in America. Do not miss it. Bring others with you. God will meet with us.


Please take the time to read this powerful article by my dear, respected friend, Dr. Al Mohler.

Yours for the Great Commission,

Ronnie W. Floyd

2 Decisions That Help Me as a Pastor Daily

I was asked a very interesting question the other day that really moved me to evaluate the answer. A pastor asked, “Ronnie, I look at your challenging schedule, and I want to ask: How are you doing this and keeping up with everything?” After thinking a moment, I told him there are two decisions I make daily that have helped me in every way.

The same things I told him, I share with you today. Please know before I continue, I am where I am and do what I do by the grace of God and the prayers of God’s people. Knowing this, here are the two decisions I make daily that help me continually.

Bible-BlogDecision #1: I Never Compromise My Daily Time With God 

It does not matter if my flight is early or my schedule has caused me to be out late the night before, I never compromise my daily time with God. For those who know me and have kept up with me through the years, I always give my mornings to God. While some of this can be challenging due to appointments and speaking engagements that occur in the mornings, I never compromise my daily time with God.

In my time with God, I focus on reading and meditating on God’s Word, and read through it at least once annually. I focus on a strong commitment to prayer, developing and changing my prayer list and priorities continually on my iPad. Toward the end of my time with God, I always journal a one-page prayer.

My time with God is the way I start my day. He is my priority, above all else. Whether it begins early, as it does usually, or a little later, it is always the way I begin my day.

God is my strength. His Spirit is the wind that lifts me up continually. As I wait before Him daily, He renews my strength.

Running-BlogDecision #2: I Do Not Compromise in Taking Care of My Body  

Six days a week, I spend an hour in physical exercise, fitness, and training. Typically, I run four days a week. The other two days, I spend an hour with my trainer. He challenges me greatly, never taking it easy on me.

The advantage of developing a “jogging lifestyle” is that you can do that anywhere, at any time. Most hotels have treadmills if the weather is bad outside, but nothing refreshes the body and relieves the stress more than a run outside. Whether you are traveling or at home, running will help you. If you cannot run, walk. Develop a pattern in your life. It will help you.

When I am exercising alone, I listen to podcasts of sermons or on subjects that will help me fulfill my calling more effectively.

Pastor, it is Your Decision Daily    

Daily, you decide what you will do with your time. This is not a matter of busyness, but a matter of priority.

Daily, I prioritize my time with God, never compromising it. And daily I choose to take care of myself physically. As a side note, on a typical morning, I spend at least 3-4 hours in my study preparing for my Sunday sermon, writing, and preparing for other speaking engagements.

You have to decide what will help you. May God lead you to work through all you have upon you as a pastor.

Yours for the Great Commission,

Ronnie W. Floyd