This Week at Cross Church | Easter Weekend and its Supreme Importance

Easter-blogThis weekend should be an absolute priority for each genuine follower of Jesus Christ. On Saturday afternoon through Sunday, we will be celebrating the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ through each of our 15 Easter Celebration Services.

For an entire week, we have been building toward this weekend. As a team, we have planned and worked continually toward it.

What You Will Experience This Weekend

When you come to Cross Church on Easter weekend, you will experience:

  • A biblically compelling message from God’s Word
  • An engaging Resurrection worship celebration
  • A time of baptism as we celebrate the priority of baptism of unashamed disciples of our Lord Jesus. Note: If you desire to become a candidate for baptism this Sunday or after, please click here for more information. 
  • An exciting personal joy as you bring family members and friends to join you in our Easter Celebration Services

I encourage you to attend services at the campus where you regularly attend. Be WITH THE CHURCH on Easter Weekend!

Will You Bring Others With You?

Each of us can invite others to attend church with us this weekend. Please plan on joining us with your invited friends. Make it a point and a priority!

Its Supreme Importance

As followers of Jesus Christ, there is not a more important weekend in your life to be in your church. This is a weekend that prioritizes from Friday night forward, the celebration of our Lord’s Resurrection.

It is Easter Sunday. Let’s make it our utmost priority.

Yours for the Great Commission,

Ronnie W. Floyd

Pastors, You Will Never be Better Than

NeverBeBetter-BlogYou will never be better than the people you meet, the books you read, and the places you go. Many years ago, I heard this statement and have never forgotten it.

In My Journey

In my life journey, especially over these past months, I have often thought of this statement. You know, it really is true. I believe it is especially true for pastors.

Oftentimes, we can get in a rut. We live in our comfort zones, reading the same old things, seeing the same people again and again, and basically revisiting the same places. The result is often a familiarity that results in an unhealthy satisfaction. It can lead to meaningless redundancy, ministry boredom, and even an unhealthy status emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually.

I Am Convinced

I am convinced that I become more effective personally and as a leader when I am regularly meeting new people that are challenging me to be better in some area. I am also convinced that I become better with the things I read or listen to, for example, via podcast. I am convinced that the places I travel open endless relationships and fresh perspectives that inspire me to reach new heights.

This March, I ministered in the Middle East for twelve days. Additionally, I have just returned from four days in Cuba, ministering in an incredible environment of one of the greatest moves of God in the world today. I will write more about this in days to come.

I can assure you that God has used these two major experiences, including others, to absolutely make me better in every way.

These places or experiences are not enriching simply due to different lands or cultures, but because of the people I met and the encounters I experienced. God used the month of March to advance me in my life, perspective, vision, and leadership as a pastor. Yes, He used His body, the Church, with all of its diverse and multiple gifts, to minister to me in ways beyond description.

Take the Challenge

I would urge you to take the challenge of the statement laid out in the first sentence. Why? Simply put, it will make a difference in your life.

You will never be better than the people you meet, the books you read, and the places you go.

Yours for the Great Commission, 

Ronnie W. Floyd