This Week at Cross Church | Let’s Talk Church: Just SAY YES!

This Sunday at Cross Church, I want to “talk church” with you. In the past, we would’ve had this conversation in a different setting, but I believe Sunday morning is a wonderful time to share about our church with you.

Pastor to People

This Sunday morning, I will talk with you about our church. This will be a “from my heart to yours” experience, so please do not miss it. Each one of our campuses will be having this conversation and it is critical we are all on the same page.

We will lay out several things. For example, you will hear us talk about:

  • Where we are and what God is doing
  • Where we are going in our future
  • How you can be part of the next few months

Listen, Cross Church: I have been with you over twenty-eight years and we are about to enter into one of the most unprecedented seasons in our history.

Say Yes-blogJust SAY YES

Cross Church Family, just say yes and be here this coming Sunday. We need to come before God together as never before, hear what God is doing, share our challenges with you, and lay all of it down before God together.

You see, we are preparing you and challenging you to just Say Yes!
Opportunities are many. Now is the time to step up and say yes!

SupremeCourt-BlogJust in Case You Missed Monday

In case you missed my Monday SBC article entitled The Supreme Court and Same Sex Marriage: Preparing Our Churches For The Future, be sure to take a moment to read it. I believe you will be encouraged to pray as never before.

These are significant days. We must seize the future.

Yours for the Great Commission,

Ronnie W. Floyd

AWAKE: A CALL TO A RENEWED LIFE | A Six-Week Experience For Every Small Group and Church

Awake-blogEvery pastor and staff member is always looking for a study that will help their church come alive and experience a renewed life. I believe we have the very thing.

Leading as President and General Editor

After I was elected President of the Southern Baptist Convention in June 2014, I sensed deeply from God that I needed to focus on the theme: Great Awakening: Clear Agreement, Visible Union, Extraordinary Prayer. 

As General Editor of the Bible Studies For Life curriculum series, I appealed to the leadership of LifeWay to offer a study that would undergird the theme for spiritual renewal. They immediately readjusted their plans and we created this six-week study for small groups.

It is called AWAKE: THE CALL TO A RENEWED LIFE. In this study, Christ-followers will be called to return to God, their first love, prayer, God’s Word, unity with other Christians, and the task of fulfilling the Great Commission personally and as a church. This is a call to experience revival and awakening personally and in our churches.

This six-week study can be done at any time, even though thousands of churches will experience it this summer. I do not want you to miss the opportunity. This study can occur during any part of your church year, and is for men, women, and students.

What These Six Weeks Will Look Like

Don’t sleep through your spiritual life. Wake up! Nothing refreshes like a good’s night’s sleep. And who doesn’t enjoy the occasional afternoon nap? But when we are spiritually asleep, it is dangerous. It’s time to wake up! It’s time for our churches to wake up! 

Since our greatest need is to experience spiritual renewal from God, this study will help anyone do just that. Please consider taking your people through this study. This is what they will experience each session:

Session 1: Return to God
Session 2: Return to Your First Love
Session 3: Return to Prayer
Session 4: Return to God’s Word
Session 5: Return to Unity
Session 6: Return to the Task

Encourage your staff team and leadership to go through this study this summer or as soon as possible.

Join Me in This Journey and Movement

When people have turned back to God throughout history, He has done extraordinary things and sparked great movements. Wouldn’t you like to see God do so again? Join me on the journey of asking God to bring about the next great movement of renewal and turning the nations back to Him.

As a pastor, you could even teach these topics as your people walk through this journey personally. It could be life-changing for many and influence churches dramatically.

For more information or to learn how to secure this study, please go here.

Yours for the Great Commission,
Ronnie W. Floyd
Senior Pastor, Cross Church
General Editor, Bible Studies for Life
President, Southern Baptist Convention