10 Presidential Reflections on our 2015 Southern Baptist Convention

10 Things SBC-blog

My heart is overflowing with gratitude to our great God for meeting with us in Columbus in a powerful manner. People came with great expectation and prayerfully returned to their churches resounding great hope.

Today, I want to share a few reflections before we charge forward toward the next year. Christians, pastors, and leaders need to push pause periodically and celebrate the work of God in our midst.

1. Recognition of the 50th Anniversary of the Vietnam War was one of the tremendous moments of the week.

General Doug Carver assisted me in this recognition, and it was terrific. When we asked for our Vietnam veterans to come forward to help us in giving the Pledge of Allegiance, it was powerful. Tears were flowing, emotions were high, and when all veterans and active duty service members joined them, it was an amazing moment. This was followed by the Star Spangled Banner, sung by the incredible Julio Arriola. To all generations of Southern Baptists, please note: Southern Baptists love this nation and our armed services. I encourage all of our churches to find a time in the next couple of Sundays to give honor and recognition to our Vietnam veterans on the 50th Anniversary of the Vietnam War.

2. My heart is so thankful for your response to the Presidential Address, “Now Is The Time To Lead.”

The Lord has taken this message across the country and parts of the world. For complete clarity and additional reference, this link will provide the video, manuscript, and graphics from the address. Pastors who have an interest in showing it to their churches can find all the resources in this one place. Thanks again to the hundreds of people who have responded so graciously.

3. Our new schedule was well received.

I am so thankful for Dr. Andrew Hebert and our Order of Business Committee who walked alongside me with great conviction and full support in seeing these changes made. Also, many thanks to Chief Parliamentarian, Barry McCarty, who helped me tremendously in this endeavor. Southern Baptists are grateful for his 29 years of service to us.

The messengers loved the format, including the unified report from our seminaries and mission boards, as well as seeing the vast majority of the business completed in one session on Tuesday afternoon. Packaging things together was positively received.

I am grateful for all who worked with us to see this occur. I believe now everyone understands why it was done and I firmly believe it contributed to our unity throughout the entire convention.

4. Our seminaries reporting to our convention together and praying for one another was a powerful message to our churches.

While they spoke of their uniqueness in their individual reports, our seminaries communicated effectively their respect and love for one another as a team, working together to equip the next generation of pastors, missionaries, and scholars. Please take this to your churches and give them great hope for what is taking place through the work of our six seminaries.

5. The National Call to Prayer for the next Great Awakening and to Reach the World for Christ was an epic experience for the estimated crowd of 7,000 that attended.

Words cannot do the evening justice. Those in attendance can speak for themselves and they are, but as for me, the night was one I will never forget.

You can go here to experience the entire prayer service via video and see the Order of Service. Pastors and Christian leaders, please feel free to use this video and outline to inspire a prayer service in your church, association, or state convention. You are welcome to use this footage in part or its entirety. In whatever area you lead in Southern Baptist life, consider leading people to moments like these. If we can’t pray together like this, we will never be used personally or collectively as God would desire.

Additionally, this vision of prayer for awakening has been shown across our nation and even across the world on DayStar Television Network and the Salem Radio Network has aired, this weekend, the two-hour prayer service on over 100 stations nationally in some of the country’s largest cities. To God be all the glory and praise!

6. The Church and Missionary Sending Celebration Service on Wednesday morning was such a blessing to our messengers.

Many messengers had never been part of a service that communicated the vision of reaching the world by highlighting our missionaries and church planters. Again, the uniqueness of both mission boards coming together for this experience demonstrated and communicated a unified vision.

7. The Presidential Panel on The Supreme Court and Same-Sex Marriage: How to Prepare our Churches for the Future was powerful.

The participants on the panel shared powerful and helpful insight for our churches. I believe the vision of bringing an overall message of hope and encouragement regarding this subject to our pastors and churches was fulfilled beyond what we would have ever thought. Please take it beyond the convention and show it to your leaders, staff, or entire church.

8. Attendance was strong during the entire convention, even through the final session on Wednesday.

People stated they have not seen a Wednesday afternoon attendance so strong in many years. The final session was a great session, from the wonderful Convention Message of Pastor Eddie Bumpers, handing off the convention from Columbus to St. Louis, the final time of worship and prayer, to the final fall of the gavel concluding the 2015 Southern Baptist Convention. Thanks for staying all the way through. Since our churches send most of us, we should always stay through the end.

9. Worship led by Julio Arriola and our team from Cross Church was outstanding.

As the first Mexican American ever elected as our convention’s Music Director, we shout out praise to God for the outstanding leadership and ministry of Julio Arriola. Thank you and the entire Cross Church Team for letting God use you. Thankfully, you will lead us again in 2016.

10. 5,406 registered messengers have led us to our largest convention gathering since our 2012 Convention in New Orleans.

There are many reasons our attendance has grown, but I want to specifically thank the 711 Ohio Baptists who registered and attended our convention. Dr. Jack Kwok, the Executive Director of their convention along with his team, were outstanding! Additionally, Rich Halcombe, the Executive Director of the Metro Columbus Baptist Association, was critical in his great leadership through the year and for Crossover Columbus!

We had at least 3,385 volunteers at Crossover Columbus, over 1,000 more than the year before. Additionally, the gospel was presented at least 4,948 times, resulting in 345 people coming to Christ as Lord and Savior, which is also more than last year! Hallelujah!

As well, our Convention leadership from the Executive Committee was outstanding. Bill Townes and Don McGee and their team reported we had an estimated 8,500 in attendance on Tuesday morning and an estimated 7,000 on Tuesday night. We give God alone the praise.

I regret I cannot talk about every detail of the convention as I have worn you out already, but I want to say 1,000 thank yous for letting me serve another year as President.

Mark your calendars now for the Southern Baptist Convention in St. Louis, Missouri on June 14-15, 2016. We will talk more about that later. Until then and throughout this year, please remember…

Now is the Time to Lead,

Ronnie W. Floyd

Senior Pastor, Cross Church
President, Southern Baptist Convention


Dr. Ronnie Floyd is currently serving as the President of the Southern Baptist Convention. The Southern Baptist Convention is America’s largest Protestant denomination with more than 15.7 million members in over 46,000 churches nationwide.

To request an interview with Dr. Ronnie Floyd
contact Gayla Oldham at (479) 751-4523 or email gaylao@crosschurch.com.
Visit our website at http://ronniefloyd.com
Follow Dr. Floyd on Twitter and Instagram @ronniefloyd

This Week at Cross Church | SBC Wrap-Up, We Believe, Summer Freedom, and Fireworks

SBC Tues Night-BlogThe Southern Baptist Convention this week was phenomenal. The Lord blessed our time together and Southern Baptists from across the world came together to pray for the next Great Awakening and to reach the world for Christ. Cross Church Family, I am so thankful for all our volunteers in our choir and band who joined Julio Arriola and our Worship Team as he led as the Worship Leader for the Southern Baptist Convention. As well, thank you to all of our staff who ministered at the Southern Baptist Convention. They represented Christ and Cross Church well.

I am thankful for your prayers and support over the past year as I served as President of the Southern Baptist Convention. On Tuesday, I was honored to be nominated and re-elected to serve a second term. It has been an honor and privilege to serve the past year and I will need prayer more than ever over the coming year. Thank you for your prayer and support, Cross Church.

WeBelieve-blogWe Believe

We continue our WE BELIEVE series on all campuses this Sunday. This week, we will be focusing on what we believe about the Kingdom of God. During this busy travel season, make it a priority to be with us on Sundays when you are in town. We’ll also be worshipping with our choir and band that represented us so well in Columbus. I promise you will not want to miss it.

Fireworks-blogSummer Freedom and Fireworks at the Crosses

Sunday morning, June 28, attend one of our Summer Freedom Celebration worship services. That evening, invite your friends and family to join our entire Cross Church family for our 8th annual Fireworks at the Crosses at our Pinnacle Hills Campus. Bring your lawn chairs and blankets and join us for our baptism at the crosses, followed by a patriotic celebration featuring live music and fireworks.  This is always a special time and I look forward to it every year. You can sign up for baptism or find out more information here.

Yours for the Great Commission,

Ronnie W. Floyd